
13 Of The Worst Memes Sent To Die In The Comedy Cemetery

Two memes from r/ComedyCemetery in the following collection.
Two memes from r/ComedyCemetery in the following collection.

Published May 10, 2021

Published May 10, 2021

The comedy cemetery is a dark and unforgiving place. Each of these posts was brought into this world by an unloving creator who just wanted some easy karma and likes to make life a little less boring on their end, but unfortunately, that's not an excuse, because the limited effort they put into each of these is honestly impressive, because we can't imagine ever making something this bad. That's why each of these images found themselves cast away into the bowels of online jokes, left to fester and rot in the comedy cemetery.

The comedy cemetery is really a dark place. Some say it's where hopes and dreams go to die among the bad memes they created. But in all honesty, there's no way anyone put more than a minute's worth of effort into making these memes, and it shows. Here are some of the best unfunny memes from this week dredged up from the depths of Reddit's /r/ComedyCemetery.

Why the Thanos?

(Source: Reddit)

What Do These Words Even Mean

(Source: Reddit)

Now This Is Funny!

(Source: Reddit)

A Boomer Made This

Where's the Humor?

(Source: Reddit)

Lockdown May End

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Am Speed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good One

(Source: Reddit)

An Old Joke Plus Old Templates Fused Together. What Could Go Wrong?

(Source: (Source: Reddit)

Stupidity Test

Finally, We Have Achieved Math Comedy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, bad memes, funny, cringe, comedy, reddit, low effort memes, thanos, boomer, homer, marvel, collections,