
13 Products That Really Exist, For Some Reason

a collection of wacky items you can purchase images are of a holy bible Minecraft and a gear stick in the shape of a human hand
a collection of wacky items you can purchase images are of a holy bible Minecraft and a gear stick in the shape of a human hand

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

It's 2024, and for some reason, these 13 products below are actually being sold in stores and online. While there may be no commercials to advertise these terrible items, we thankfully have the subreddit /r/OfCourseThatsAThing to record their existence, so that we may endlessly mock them for eternity. And while we know the lockdown is spurring many to embrace retail therapy, we highly doubt you'll want any of these items.

It's Not Even Comfortable

(Source: Reddit)

Making The Bible Fun

(Source: Reddit)

Why Not?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not Creepy At All

(Source: Reddit)

Avoid Contacts By Getting A Bridge Piercing To Keep Your Glasses On

(Source: Reddit)

Very Cool That Someone Made This

(Source: Reddit)

Because There Was Apparently Politics In Uno?

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, Please Give Me My Actual Reality

(Source: Reddit)

But Why?

(Source: Reddit)

A Louis Vuitton Pencil Case For $900

(Source: Reddit)

Annoy People At Parties With This Accessory

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/ofcoursethatsathing, cows, couch, minecraft, holy bible, donald trump, squirrels, bridge piercing, glasses, cats, gun safety, uno, solitaire, iphone chargers, actual reality goggles, louis vuitton, julius caesar, beard lights, gear shifts, collections,