14 Classical Art Memes From Reddit's 'Trippin Through Time'
Art has changed a lot over the years. For one, we don't really appreciate those classical paintings of people just existing as much as we used to. Fortunately, modern art has a solution for this. Naturally, by modern art, I mean memes. Nowadays, these are some of the best examples of art we've got, and sometimes, we like to picture what the past would be like if they had memes too. The following images will hopefully give you a disturbing glimpse into that reality.
While some artists may disapprove of this, many will agree that these paintings have been drastically improved by adding meme captions. These memes, known as classical art memes, violate old paintings to make them something new, something we all can appreciate just a little more. Except for the actual artists, who probably won't be thrilled by these. Take a look and see this meme trend for yourself.
Not Today, Bird
(Source: Reddit)
The Duolingo owl will have to wait another day to harvest your soul.
Now You Have To
(Source: Reddit)
I wasn't thinking about touching it before, but now I definitely am.