
14 Edited Memes That Are Much Funnier Than The Originals

Two edited memes from the following collection.
Two edited memes from the following collection.

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Memes can take many forms, from bizarre Twitter memes to cursed comments on social media. The term "meme" is difficult to describe. Officially, a meme is any form of media that can be replicated or spread from one person to another. On the internet, you'll find a place for all different types of memes, especially on Reddit, which is the heart and home for a variety of various meme subreddits.

One of these subreddits is /r/SpeedOfLobsters, which is home to a different type of meme (also known as a recaption). Memes posted here are essentially images that hold completely different meanings when they are edited. Whether it's a Twitter post or a news article, the removal of just a couple of words or phrases can entirely change the context, and it can be quite hilarious. This collection contains some of the best edited memes from the subreddit, exemplifying the creativity of most people online, and how we can truly make a joke from pretty much anything.

Valid Response

(Source: Reddit)

Ain't No Way

(Source: Reddit)

That's True

(Source: Reddit)

Burger King Foot Lettuce

(Source: Reddit)

Can You?

(Source: Reddit)

Elon Musk Is A Victim

(Source: Reddit)

This Is True

(Source: Reddit)

Cheese Gone

(Source: Reddit)

It Happened

(Source: Reddit)

Microphone Stats Maxed

(Source: Reddit)

You Were The Chosen Soup!

(Source: Reddit)

Dogs Are Deadly

(Source: Reddit)

Creative Costume

(Source: Reddit)

Femboys To The Rescue!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: edited memes, memes, funny, speed of lobsters, reddit, collections, recaptions, humor, jokes, tweets, twitter, social media,