Two images of hateable things in the following collection.

14 Odd And Off-Putting Images You'll Absolutely Hate

There are a lot of things out there worth hating. No, we're not about to get political or something like that. I mean, look what website you're on. Instead, we're going to show you some images of things that just get under your skin in a certain way. We can't really describe what that way is, though. You'll just have to see for yourself because these images are really indescribable.

These pictures are weird, awful and frankly kind of hard to look at at times. Don't worry, you're not about to be scarred for life by gore. Instead, you'll see some weird food combinations that definitely don't belong together, some scarily edited images and a very bad take on Thomas the Tank Engine. So get ready, because these are some of the web's best images to make you say "Thanks, I hate it."

I Actually Love This

hails@ i cant stop thinking about the one time back in high school we used to have an art show for all the students art and some kid made this

(Source: Reddit)

Mission failed. Not hatable. This is beauty in its purest form.

Thomas the Metamorphic Engine


(Source: Reddit)


He smile like Kermit therefore @taybabatool

(Source: Reddit)

The Jelmet

40000 ROSER

(Source: Reddit)

So does it work like a real helmet, or should we be worried about this guy?

"Big Squish"


(Source: Reddit)

No Thank You, I'll Pass

bura EMI Patio B 120 SABOR 2018 115 descremada, ultrapasteurizada, mis AyD. CONT.NET, 1 L CROENE 19 MEX TENR10/241 Este envaso contiene la leche de hasta 22 de nuestros mejores roadores. Cada rata se cría en libertad y s alimentada con los más finos quesos suizos. Tras un riguroso proceso de selección, se ordeñan a mano para lograr la calidad gourmet y el sabor incomparable que tanto nos distinguen. x 22 CAD IMAS PROTEINA QUE LA LECHE DE VACA! INK INC FARMS LECHE DE RATA RAT MILK LOTE INKOGNITA.INC O 80006 LECHE ORGANICA ENTERA ULTRAPASTEURIZADA DE RATA CONT NET 970 ML Le ΕΝΤΙ 1924 SAN CLA 100% PURA C CREMOS CONT.. NETO 6868 LECHE ENTERA ULTRAPAL ADICIONADA CON VITAM

(Source: Reddit)

This is Photoshopped, but it definitely made me do a double-take.

It Took Me a Minute to See What I Was Looking At

(Source: Reddit)

The Frozone Throne

(Source: Reddit)

Spam Cookies

SPAM Classic 2. i

(Source: Reddit)

A Wet Sloth

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, I Feel At Ease

= NewScientist Scientists covered a robot finger in living human skin Wrapping robots in human skin that has been grown in a lab may help us to feel more at ease when we interact with them f in TECHNOLOGY 9 June 2022 By Alice Klein A robot finger with a living skin Shoji Takeuchi/University of Tokyo

(Source: Reddit)

I recommend scientists not do this, because it feels like we're getting one step closer to the robot apocalypse with this stuff.

It's Called Art

Catching the Moment SAINT LOUIS ART MUSEUM

(Source: Reddit)


faminers 10-682 TROPIC PUNCH INCLUDES PRIZE! Now as liquid! Chugger's Cottage Cheese Lingering taste! 6675 FLOZ (200ml) BOTTLESINET 40,5 FL OZ (1 26 QT) 1.2L "Healthy" frition 6-Pack Obvious Plant Foods 10 CAL PERE SEF

(Source: Reddit)

Thankfully, it's just an Obvious Plant.

Aloe Vera


(Source: Reddit)

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