Two example posts from the following collection.

14 People Who Desperately Want You To Know How Intelligent They Are

If you're looking to see a bunch of people trying incredibly hard to demonstrate just how intelligent they are on social media, we have a list for you. The thing is if you feel the need to publicly claim you're smarter than everyone around you, you probably aren't as smart as you think you are. These people don't actually seem smart at all, even though they claim their IQ score is higher than Einstein's. Using obnoxiously long words isn't a way to get people to take you seriously.

Below are some of the funniest examples of people doing a horrific job of proving how much smarter they are than others, and I don't think they managed to impress a single person reading these awful comments. Instead of believing they're intelligent, we now know they're definitely the furthest thing from it, and they're trying a little too hard. Here are 14 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/IAmVerySmart. The cringe is strong with this one.

The Therapist Said So

T really am insanely intelligent This is a fever dream People are jealous of me because I really am special Not many people are like me That's what my therapists keep trying to tell me

(Source: Reddit)

Plato >>> Parties

Fr. I'll get invited to a party while reading Plato's Five Regimes in my local coffee shop. Like when will people understand I don't have time to waste on animalistic things. 9:29 PM · 4/21/20 · Twitter for Android

(Source: Reddit)

Tinder Remains Fun

ll Xfinity Mobile ? 4:15 PM 72% YOU MATCHED WITH SAM ON 4/21/20 I've actually always believed polyam is more natural to humans than monogamy Today 3:58 PM oh okay cool! lol Just, part of humans my philosophy of yep Sent I do love philosophy especially marxism, along with parts of metaphysics Type a message Send GIF

(Source: Reddit)

Emojis Are Only Used By Cavemen

Tweet . 1d Important question: When you use a heart emoji what do you use? This is like a modern Sorting Hat. O 93 ♡ 41 Replying to I'm a professional editor. I don't use emoji becausel can leverage the power of the English language. Little colored blobs do not enhance the strength of my prose.

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Your Thoughts

r/intj u/pe 1h Thoughts while bored When l'm bored and have nothing to do except lie in bed, I tend to think alot. Whether it be about space (because space is epic), science or life in general, I always do it when I'm bored with nothing to do. Like once I came up with my own theory of the universe. It was really abstract and it actually has lots of depth because I thought about it ALOT. But yeh I am somehow more productive when l'm bored Vote Comment 1 Share

(Source: Reddit)

Human Calculator

Apr 4 at 11:32 PM • O Maybe it's because my brain looks at numbers and math with ease...the idea of exponential growth, mathematically, is easy for me to comprehend and actually visualize. I see exponential growth as a mini explosion with every touch. 3 Comments

(Source: Reddit)

When You're Really Upset You Didn't Make The Olympics Team

|12 mins · Everyone is posting things about the olympics and I'm sitting outside pondering the essence of life and how thought can even occour on a sub- atomic level. Different strokes for different folks I guess. I'll just leave you with a quote by the late Eleanor Roosevelt, 'Small minds discuss people [i.e. Olympians]; average minds discuss events [i.e. The Olympics]; Great minds discuss ideas [i.e. Quantum Physics et. Existentialism]' It Like Comment Share Ib 2 Write a comment...

(Source: Reddit)

IDK Man, Maybe Just Watch A Beautiful Mind Instead?

Decided to make use of my time in quarantine and learn something that l've been wanting to learn since being in college which is Calculus. I have no real life applications for this. I just want to learn it to satisfy my unrelenting thirst for knowledge. ATECHNIOUES E DIERENTIATIAN OStape of a constont s zere. Q)At what point des ya-Sxry have a horizantal tant une ? Oat-) brk the derucine d up! This is tha Prat of a derinet. (802 So. dy. ax 3 - Slepe! 3.9x स Ero)- Answer (ন ৰ you can tate se vels fr 2 and plg bek lad g al fermule dle Cuok yarse (-1, 6) end (1.0 ee the ars la g DTHE PONER RILE G0-3tatt E Fnd the derientive ef. HIGHER ORDER DERIVANVES y-5x-SxV• Zaex-+ Split it up! AsorAr EFind he kgher dete fo)- e nd e y an maug it in frant of

(Source: Reddit)

Dating App Idea

7:15 LTE 72% r/TrueOffMyChest Dating apps shouid allow me to filter by IQ. Pretty self explanatory. I'm only attracted to highly intelligent people such as myself. In order to register to this hypothetical app you would be required to take an actual, certified IQ test. Only one chance. Vote < 1 R Share BEST COMMENTS V Well you're pretentious aren't ya 6 Reply Add a comment II

(Source: Reddit)

The Actual Phantom Of The Opera

Replying to @adomorgo @FidelAntoine and @briebriejoy People who don't have a favorite opera are, in general, not well-brought up. Economic class has nothing to do with it. I suspect Trump does not have a favorite opera 5:17 PM · Apr 8, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone Replying to @adomorgo @FidelAntoine and @briebriejoy Why is that bad? I generally don't think people who don't go to the opera and the ballet and read good books and are the sort of people who should have power. They certainly aren't the sort of people I like 5:20 PM Apr 8, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone Replying to @adomorgo @FidelAntoine and @briebriejoy I am so over this glorification of the "working- class". 4:24 PM Apr 8, 2020 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

When The Office Insults Your Intelligence

"That's what PB said" - Michael Scott Reply 2h What? Who's Michael Scott? 1 -1 + Michael Scott is a character from the office, the original quote is that's what she said" -Michael Scott. He replaced "she" with "PB" is all 58m Oh. I don't watch that show. You might like it! Vote + 35m I've tried. I couldn't stand it! It's an insult to my intelligence. + -3 +

(Source: Reddit)

High IQ, but He Won't Take the Test

(Source: Reddit)

Who Wants To Tell Him TikTok Isn't Just The Noise Your Watch Makes?

Tony explaining to Adam how voting works is my entire mood. Reply that's not a mood. a mood is "happy" or "sad" or "mad." the english vernacular doesn't support "tony explaining to adam how voting works" as a proper mood. learn english, ya dummy. 솝-19 Well aren't you just a wet blanket. i'll take my downvotes. i enjoy people talking like they passed english class. sorry. 1 -13

(Source: Reddit)

Praying For This One

answer would have be no lol. I just can't intermingle with most people anymore. Individually it's fine but in groups the dynamic changes so much. It's all gloom and despair or humor with very dark or damaging undertones. I got fed up with the negativity and cut it off from infiltrating my psyche. If you can tell by my vocabulary these days I read alot of books Ah alright understandable!

(Source: Reddit)

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