14 Profound Pieces Of Paper Found By Others
Paper can be a monumental thing. It's a way of communicating with others, even if that form of communication is just a rude, inappropriate drawing left on your English teacher's desk. Paper connects us, even if it's just for the sake of laughing at online, because some of the notes people come up when given a piece of paper defy all logic and explanation, and they keep us wanting to hear more about what led to their creation, even though we'll never know anything more than what the note-giver has left us with.
The following people were experiencing what they thought was a regular day, until they stumbled across a random piece of paper that made everything far more interesting. Whether it's a hilarious drawing or a sad note to grandfather who had passed, these little messages are worth paying attention to. Here are 14 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/FoundPaper. How we wish we knew the ending to these stories.