
15 Conspiracy Theories That Are Almost Too Believable

a collection of conspiracy theories submitted to /r/AskReddit photo is of Jeffrey Epstein and how he faked his own death
a collection of conspiracy theories submitted to /r/AskReddit photo is of Jeffrey Epstein and how he faked his own death

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Conspiracies have taken us by storm, whether you believe in them or not. From scary to fun to just plain dumb, there's a theory out there for everyone to appreciate. Conspiracy theories are fun to read because they are often so wild that it's impossible not to laugh when reading them. Most of them, that is. We all were exposed to some startling possibilities when /r/AskReddit collected a few conspiracies this thanks to a post by u/Prometheus_Turati. Before long, this thread really had our heads spinning.

Below are 15 of the craziest beliefs people submitted about famous historical figures, places and dead celebrities. We're not saying they're true (and some of them are just funny, of course), but we are saying that they're worth a read and will definitely leave you wondering. So get on your tinfoil hats and dive in to these oddly believable conspiracy theories. One thing is for sure: we can't stop thinking about the Justin Trudeau theory.

This Is Why I Never Go To Them

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is She????

(Source: Reddit)

I Definitely Need To See This Movie Now

(Source: Reddit)

The Most Believable One By Far

(Source: Reddit)

Epstein Redemption

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing Has Ever Made So Much Sense

(Source: Reddit)

Jar Jar Binks Deserved Better

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Deep

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, I Want Some Ketchup!

(Source: Reddit)

Just Tell Me Where Prince Is…

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Insane

(Source: Reddit)

Marketing Strategy 101

(Source: Reddit)

I've Never Seen One

(Source: Reddit)

Please Let This Be True

(Source: Reddit)

Well Then…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/askreddit, jeffrey epstein, disney, fidel castro, justin trudeau, reddit, scientology, snowpiercer, trader joe's, fashion indusry, jar jar binks, ufo's, mcdonalds, dead celebrities, michael jackson, hillary clinton, donald trump, pi, collections,