15 Failed Attempts That Are Actually Works Of Art

Failure is often the best source of entertainment, especially when other people are there to publicly point it out to you. It's simultaneously awkward and embarrassing, and we can't help but laugh at the people who fail miserably for all to see. Usually, they kind of had it coming. We can't pass judgment on everyone we see online, but these people…yeah, we don't feel particularly bad for them. They're pretty confident, though, we'll give them that.
They were called out for their mistakes, being either roasted or politely corrected. And some of their mistakes were honestly pretty pathetic. A good place to find examples of confident people being corrected on their idiotic claims is the subreddit /r/ThereWasAnAttempt. We've shared 15 of our favorite examples below. It truly is the thought and failure that counts and gets reposted. Take a look at the best times someone failed badly, where there was barely an attempt in the first place.