15 'Gossip Girl' Memes To Bring In the New Reboot | Know Your Meme


15 'Gossip Girl' Memes To Bring In the New Reboot

Two Gossip Girl memes from the following collection.
Two Gossip Girl memes from the following collection.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

Gossip Girl is finally resurfacing in the American psyche after a long hiatus. On July 8th, the 2021 reboot will be streaming for all to enjoy again. With the new cast representing a different generation of bougie, Upper-East-Siders, will it live up to the hype? Will it pale in comparison? Who knows, but the fandom is already memeing about it, so here are 20 images of Gossip Girl memes.

Savage Chuck

(Source: Reddit)

Best Scene From the Original

(Source: Reddit)

And You Don't Have Anyone to Watch With…

(Source: Reddit)

The New Plot

(Source: Twitter)

My Name is Tripp Vanderbilt…

(Source: Reddit)

They Don't Know

(Source: Reddit)

Male Fans Represent!

(Source: Reddit)

Chuck Bass Is an Icon

(Source: Reddit)

Old Marketing

(Source: Reddit)

We Stan Serena

(Source: Reddit)

Serena Choices

(Source: Reddit)

I Literally Have to Go Watch Gossip Girl

(Source: Reddit)

Classic Nate

(Source: Reddit)

Shower Thought

(Source: Twitter)

Gossip Girl 2021

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: gossipgirl, gossip girl, gopissgirl, chuck bass, serena, gg, memes, collections, gossip girl reboot, gossipgirl2021,

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