
15 Images To Start The Weekend On A Positive Note

a collection of uplifting photos images are of a bunch of animals checking in on humans being quarantined and a little boy being hired to doodle for restaurants after getting in trouble for school
a collection of uplifting photos images are of a bunch of animals checking in on humans being quarantined and a little boy being hired to doodle for restaurants after getting in trouble for school

Published April 24, 2020

Published April 24, 2020

Is it just us, or was this one of the longest workweeks of all time? Fortunately, it's finally the weekend and we couldn't think of a better way to get it started than with the following images collected from the subreddit /r/MadeMeSmile that are sure to bring some positivity into your life. Here are a few of our favorite uplifting photos that capture genuine moments and some of the cutest animals we've ever seen.

Give This Baby A Medal

(Source: Reddit)

Who Knew Swans Were That Big?!

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Checking In On Us

(Source: Reddit)

Grandmas Are The Best

(Source: Reddit)

We Found Banksy

(Source: Reddit)

The Most Professional

(Source: Reddit)

Kids Are The Best

(Source: Reddit)

Give Him Some Spaghetti Please

(Source: Reddit)

He's Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

He Deserves The World

(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Saint

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is His Biopic?

(Source: Reddit)

Well, This Is Lovely

(Source: Reddit)

New Orleans Is Magical

(Source: Reddit)

Dying To Know What They Requested

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/mademesmile, reddit, animals, dogs, super soaker, new orleans, quarantine, doodling, game boy, grandmas, grandpas, nephews, popcicles, sober, eminem, video calls, dementia, street singers, kittens, babies, swans, collections,