Two old school cool photos

15 Intriguing Ancient Photos From Reddit's 'Old School Cool'

For those of us who grew up before the 21st century, it's a known fact that some people were just pretty cool back then. It's a type of coolness that's rarely seen in the modern day, a unique effect that we can't help but appreciate from afar as we look back on simpler (though not necessarily better) times. Back then, the world was a totally different place, and these photos prove it.

An "old school cool" photo is one that perfectly embodies the experience of seeing a really cool person back in the 20th century, often complete with a black-and-white coloration and everything. For those of us who didn't live through those years, we can take a look at the people who did and feel like we appreciate them way more after seeing these unique sides to them. After all, they were young once, too. Here are some of our favorites from Reddit's /r/OldSchoolCool.

Singles Apartments in the 1980s

Get Wet GREENTREE ADULT APARTMENTS SPECIAL RENTS 1 bedroom apts. - $130 • 2 bedroom apts. - $170 2 bedroom townhouses - $190 Two swimming pools Clubhouse GREENTREE South Semoran at Curry Ford 273-6240

(Source: Reddit)

OP's Grandfather in 1978

(Source: Reddit)

FUR Ars. Fiel choco

(Source: Reddit)

Will Ferrell in High School

John Ferrell Senior Princess Kristen Clark and Prince Will Ferrell

(Source: Reddit)

Ric Flair and 12-Year-Old Duane Johnson


(Source: Reddit)

OP's Awful Bowl Cut, 1994

(Source: Reddit)

Albert Einstein at the Beach

(Source: Reddit)

7-Year-Old George Clooney

(Source: Reddit)

John Brown, 1847

(Source: Reddit)

Australian Dad Showing Off to His Daughter, circa 1940

(Source: Reddit)

OP And His Wife in 1979

(Source: Reddit)

OP and Mr. T in 1984

(Source: Reddit)

Patrick Stewart in 1963


(Source: Reddit)

He's completely unrecognizable at the age of 23.

Christopher Reeve and Robin Williams, 1981


(Source: Reddit)

Apparently, they were best friends.

Not Sure I'd Call This Cool… But It's Something


(Source: Reddit)

Hopefully, this kid went on to be, you know, not racist.

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