Two star wars memes for may the fourth.

15 Memes To Celebrate 'Star Wars' Day, May The Fourth Be With You

Today is Star Wars day! We all love Star Wars, and no matter how bad those sequels were (it's just a joke, guys. Don't come after me in the comments, I'm not trying to start another debate, that's not in the holiday spirit at all), we can't help but tell hundreds of jokes about our favorite movies. And because of our love of the franchise, a holiday has developed; based on "May the force be with you," we have designated May 4th as a special day for fans of the movies and new shows.

Now, every year, May 4th is designated as the day where new Star Wars merchandise, trailers, release dates and much more are unveiled to everyone. It's a special event, especially in the era of the news shows based on the original movies, which we've all come to love. So, in honor of this special day, let's take a look at some great memes from the franchise.

Ahsoka Tano Got Guns Tho

Forget Ahsoka's Biceps Embrace Tarkin's Thunder Thighs

(Source: Reddit)

No Thanks

Lucasfilm Ltd. 'The Bad Batch' is the eighth season of 'clone Wars' we didn't ask for The ability to WRITE does not make you intelligent imgflip.cdrh

(Source: Reddit)

They Really Pushing This, Huh?

DisneyA The Clone Wars O000 The Bad Batch Disney

(Source: Reddit)

Take Them Down, Maul

WHEN GOOGLE DOESN'T HAVE A STAR WARS DOODLE ON MAY THE 4TH Filth, you will pay for your insolence.

(Source: Reddit)


OF Ber It's May the 4th You celebrate by OF. Bernie wearing a Vader costume to school You put your clarinet Berni in your band locker Some Karen calls the freaking SWAT team because she thinks nie you're planting a bomb and wearing bulletproof armor

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Be This Guy

„My friends Me wishing them May the 4th and quoting prequel lines the entire day. Oh, great.

(Source: Reddit)

This Hurts…

70 minute Bad Batch Premier May the 4th Me "iMy cake day Star Wars game steam sai Real life responsibilities

(Source: Reddit)

Think, Anakin

THINK, Anakin! THINK! How does killing innocent children by order of the boss of the guy who cut off your arm helps save Padmé?

(Source: Reddit)

Cringe Adi Mundi

Past me installing Reddit on May the 4th so that my cakeday is on the best day ever:

(Source: Reddit)

Anything To Avoid Using EU Material

time period between ROTS and a new hope: exists disney: I can milk you

(Source: Reddit)

Think, Mundi

How Could I?

Starting an evil play through of a game This is where the fun begins When I commit my first evil act What have I done? Imade with nematic

(Source: Reddit)

He Still Needed One Tho

An ambulance, call. But not for me.

(Source: Reddit)

It's A Gray Area

r/PrequelMemes You are a part of this sub but we do not grant you the rank of a prequel, ROGUE ONE STAR WARE I This is outrageous! It's unfair.

(Source: Reddit)

It's Coarse

I like you Padmé but you know what I'don't like? Sand.

(Source: Reddit)

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