a collection of posters from the subreddit /r/Demotivational that inspire absolutely no one photos are of happiness and capitalism represented by a skeleton and a rich man

15 'Motivational' Posters That Certainly Won't Inspire You

Being optimistic is important, but not when you're someone with nihilistic tendencies. For those seeking pure discouragement, allow us to provide you the following demotivational posters that offer nothing but pure honesty about what life truly is. Below are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/Demotivational that are sure to bring you nothing but despair.

When Are We Getting A Band Called 'Birth Death?'

Remember! Every year, a single day is technically your birth death which is opposite to your birth day that you experience unknowingly as the days pass by. imgflip.com

(Source: Reddit)

Just Shut Your Mind And Your Mouth

Innovation is too much of a financial risk. Stop coming up with so many stupid ideas.

(Source: Reddit)

The True Definition

HAPPINESS If you're feeling it, it's probably just because you've forgotten something. imgfip.com

(Source: Reddit)

You Can't Vacation From Your Demons

HOLIDAY Remember: Wherever you go. There you are.

(Source: Reddit)

Loving This Bernie Sanders Campaign Poster

Capitalism Your job is to make a profit for investors who don't care about you. You don't get to keep any of the profit, and you can be fired at will. Don't take it personally.

(Source: Reddit)

A Healthy Advertisement For Marriage

MARRIA GE Don't worry about making correct choices because you will be wrong regardless.

(Source: Reddit)

Shoutout To The Shirley Temple King

(Source: Reddit)

Keep Trying!

REJECTION You're a good person with many positive qualities. I'm sure someone else will appreciate them.

(Source: Reddit)

Please Keep Entertaining The Masses


(Source: Reddit)

Beautiful Thoughts Before Bed

REFLECTING It's the end of another day and unless you die in your sleep, you have to do it all again tomorrow. Better luck next time.

(Source: Reddit)

Something To Look Forward To!

RELAX The worst things in your life probably haven't happened to you yet

(Source: Reddit)

Encouraged To Join A Cult Now

COMELNTONE THLLOnE EST CULTS Hey, at least you believe in something!

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Evidence, Very Cool!

PERSEVERANCE The ability to think you're not a loser despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary

(Source: Reddit)


LIFE Way too short or way too long.

(Source: Reddit)

fAkE iT tIlL u MaKe IT!

CONFID ENCE Be strong and believe in yourself, because when they all find out the truth about you it's over. fakeposters.com

(Source: Reddit)

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