Two terrible stock photos in the following collection.

15 Of The Worst Stock Photos Ever Made

Stock photography is truly a strange thing. Often, companies are able to sell stock photos to people who find they meet their needs, often for articles online. And a lot of the time, those needs are incredibly specific. Sometimes, however, the topic the stock photo company tries to cover is so far beyond rational that no person in their right mind would ever purchase and use these photos.

The following images are just a few of these. There are some that don't make sense, some that give off a very disturbing energy, and some that you really don't want to think about at all. From simply awkward stock photos to premises that look like they were generated by a really crappy random word generator, here are some stock photos that we don't think anyone will be purchasing for use any time soon.

The Vacuum Ate Dad

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(Source: Reddit)

She doesn't seem very concerned about it, either.


(Source: Reddit)

Here's something you probably thought you'd never have to see: a child tipping an edible fedora.

Playground Predator?

493753488 gettyimages Allen J. Schaben

(Source: Reddit)

The sinister smile doesn't help here.

When You See the Gas Prices

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(Source: Reddit)

I honestly think this one's hilarious, but no person or company would ever purchase and use this, ever.

Red Pepper

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(Source: Reddit)

30 Mins Into Gardening and Chill and He Gives You This Look

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(Source: Reddit)

Jim from Sales Was Sent to the Eastern Front

(Source: Reddit)

Barnacles! I Hate the Pill 451300711

(Source: Reddit)

Holy Sh*t

89014761 Zag gettyimages Artur Borzecki Photography

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Is a French Robbery

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(Source: Reddit)

Toilet Paper News Anchor

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(Source: Reddit)

Make Sure You Lock Your Potato Chips

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(Source: Reddit)

Safety Chicken

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Meal

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(Source: Reddit)

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