
15 Parents Who Need To Be Canceled

a collection of insane parents posting on social media images are of a mother wondering if she should have vaccinated her kid and another asking to be paid for homeschooling her kids
a collection of insane parents posting on social media images are of a mother wondering if she should have vaccinated her kid and another asking to be paid for homeschooling her kids

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Times are tough. We get it. We're all struggling a little, since the world seems to be going through one crisis after another, and rent is pretty expensive. It's understandable to struggle emotionally a little bit, but no one has lost their minds more than the parents collected from the subreddit /r/InsaneParents. These parents are truly letting their best selves shine on social media as they grapple with their recent parenting troubles, particularly ones that are absolutely their own doing, and will have permanent effects on their kids.

There's just nothing any of us can say or do to reason with them now that the world has changed and they can't have every single thing they want. Apparently, these are very difficult tasks to manage, nearly impossible due to the parents being simply insufferable and self-centered. We can only imagine how difficult those children's lives must be. Below are 15 of the most frustrating parents who should definitely be canceled.

Maybe Not…

(Source: Reddit)

So Sweet and Caring

(Source: Reddit)

These Parents Are Not Honor Roll Students

(Source: Reddit)

This Dad's Weird Request

(Source: Reddit)

Venmo Me

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sorry, But Where Is Your Kid?

(Source: Reddit)

This Facebook Rant about a Grieving 4-Year-Old

(Source: Reddit)

Here's Hoping Those 3 Months Come Quickly

(Source: Reddit)

A Big Decision

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Just Have Her Enroll With you

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Figure Out What The Worst Part Of This Sentence Is

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Seemed Important

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like Your Kid Is Going To Have Some Trust Issues

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/insaneparents, anti-vaccinations, coronavirus, face masks, facebook, discrimination, homeschooling, covid parties, christ, faith, boss, missing kids, unvaxxed toddlers, broken phones, scientology, smoking crack, university, xbox, diaries, collections,