15 Pizza Crimes That Deserve A Prison Sentence
Many people love pizza. It's just a universal truth. Whether you're into the chain pizzerias or the smaller restaurants in your hometown, you probably love pizza, and that also means you probably hate to see it disrespected. But pizza crimes are real. They impact millions of pizzas every year.
Tragically, there's no way to save these pizzas once they've been misshapen into the absolute monstrosities you're about to see. They're too far gone, and at this point, there's so little actual pizza left that we can't even consider them true pizzas anymore. Thankfully, Reddit has a solution: a team of dedicated pizza fans who are determined to call out the worst pizza crimes they've ever seen. Here are some of the funniest new pizza creations from /r/PizzaCrimes.
I Think This Counts
(Source: Reddit)
It's not technically a pizza, but still a crime against pizzas nonetheless.
Weight Loss Tip: Make Your "Pizza" Inedible
(Source: Reddit)
If your pizza has to be served from a bowl, you should know you did something wrong.
Tuna and Corn Pizza
(Source: Reddit)
This was distributed en masse as a military meal ration. That's definitely no excuse. In fact, that kind of makes this much worse.
A Kid's Solution for a Pizza that Was Too Hot
(Source: Reddit)
Go-Gurt pizza can't even sound like a good idea to a child.
Cheeseless Pepperoni, Pineapple and Oregano
(Source: Reddit)
I can't imagine working at these pizza places and getting orders like these, then being forced to make them even though your soul begs you not to.