15 Photos Of Trees Eating Various Things

Trees: they're mighty forest giants, towering over our heads and reaching far beneath our feet. When an object from the human world enters its zone, a tree will, instead of avoiding it, lovingly cradle it and grow towards it. Pictures of trees eating pretty much everything have been compiled on the subreddit named, of course, /r/treessuckingonthings, are extremely satisfying to look at.
With their big woody lips, trees kiss rusted metal fences and thingamabobs, and gradually, over the course of months and years, swallow up benches and signs. To see a tree slowly and persistently consume something is a rare sight, because things often don’t stay in one place for years at a time. These images of trees eating things are brought together for your viewing pleasure, and are meant to put you in a better mood, too.
Big Eyes
(Source: Reddit)
Nom Nom Nom I am hungry I will eat bench thank you do not sit here this is bench for me to eat Nom Nom Nom, etc.
Bike Bite
(Source: Reddit)
Now, how did the bike get up there… was it… could it have been… ET? Phone home from the tree?
It was a very dangerous mission. He didn't know if he'd make it back, but he went anyways.
(Source: Reddit)
Whoever did this is a modern artist of the highest caliber. They should be rewarded and praised.