15 Shower Thoughts To Cleanse Your Mind

Some of the finest philosophers include Aristotle, Plato, Socrates and basically anyone below who has taken a shower and had a profound thought come to mind. There's something so universal about the experience of making a breakthrough about the human condition while zoning out in the shower. We've all come up with insults, arguments, the correct answer on the math test, jokes, and more while staring at those bathroom walls, wishing we'd come up with them much sooner. And since this is such a common phenomenon, we've been sharing our shower thoughts right after we have them, making the rest of the online community experience these profound revelations as well.
Luckily, the subreddit /r/ShowerThoughts exists to collect all of these epiphanies, and we've made a list of our favorites below. Make sure to bring a pen and notepad the next time you attempt to bathe yourself, folks, not just because you'll destroy your phone, but because you might have a chance to change your thinking forever.
It still seems strange that they market that stuff to children when adults love it more
(Source: Reddit)