a collection of anti-memes photos are of every human piling into the Grand Canyon and Jordan Peele's face being wet because of a shower

16 Anti-Memes For All Fans Of Meta-Humor

Sometimes memes can reach a point of overexposure where the same jokes are being made over and over again. We've all seen it happen, and it's sad to see our favorite formats die slowly or be ripped to shreds. To combat that, many have decided to partake in the art of creating anti-memes, where literal observations and meta-humor flourish. This way, we can put these dying formats out of their misery much sooner.

Online, people are cynical and overly attached to the jokes we know get a an eye-roll or an upvote every time. We like to take things too literally, and we also like deconstructing jokes until they're either not funny anymore or way funnier than the originals. Anti-memes are an effective method of changing the way we perceive our most beloved memes once and for all. Below are some meme templates you already know and others that finally found their calling. Here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/AntiMemes.

Save The Children

If they only knew, but our job is to make sure they don't. shark another shark

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Extinguish This Meme


(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Counting

literally every girl Current female 3 722 627 534 population (49.6%)

(Source: Reddit)

When The Math Is Right

People born in 1990 be like: MM 30

(Source: Reddit)

Sort It Out, Fan

Fan: *Doesn't work* me: Be a lot cooler if you did

(Source: Reddit)

We're All In This Photo

If every human alive right now was piled into the Grand Canyon. What's happening? It's annoying or not interesting I'm in this photo and I don't like it

(Source: Reddit)

That Should Help


(Source: Reddit)


Me and the boys after finishing our law degrees: YOU KNOW THE RULES AND SO DO I

(Source: Reddit)

It's Always Hard To Decipher Typos

What she texts: I'm finw What she means: I'm fine

(Source: Reddit)

Needed This Additional Info

Lisa Simpson Coffee Mug

(Source: Reddit)

Quite A Comparison

torah study demographic @sensitivej3w veggietales characters as vegetables 4/18/19, 7:08 PM

(Source: Reddit)

Makes Sense

When you're taking a shower: RF RF made with mematic 123 123R

(Source: Reddit)

That Poor Car

Car Salesmen: *slaps roof of car* ouch

(Source: Reddit)

Quite A Delightful Hobby

Guy who just started his microphone collecting hobby Long time microphone collector

(Source: Reddit)

Just Helping Them Out

Kid: the who, the why, the when, the where, and.. um.. teacher: The WHAT

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Relate

When you wake up after a long night of drinking and you're fine because it was water

(Source: Reddit)

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