
16 Memes Inspired By Both Anime And World History

Two history anime memes in the following collection.
Two history anime memes in the following collection.

Published August 13, 2021

Published August 13, 2021

You probably wouldn't consider anime the best method of dealing with complex political issues. However, it turns out anime works great as a format for history memes. Whether it's World War II or America's obsession with George Washington, there's a lot that's easily joked about through anime memes. Here are some of the best examples of the two meme genres working perfectly when blended together.

A Small Price to Pay for Salvation

(Source: Reddit)

The Great Leap Forward

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Dark Past

(Source: Reddit)

Great Britain Had Some Issues

(Source: Reddit)

Way to Give It Away

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So Very Happy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Do You Have Oil? Can We Invade?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Washington's Third Term

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Spite Is a Great Motivator

(Source: Reddit)

Not So Fun Times

(Source: Reddit)

They're Finally on Our Side

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: anime, history, anime memes, history memes, memes, history of japan, ww2, ww1, hitler, communism, america, usa, collections,

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