
16 Poetic Comments That Came Out Of Nowhere

a collection of posts where people offer up new sentences you've never seen before
a collection of posts where people offer up new sentences you've never seen before

Published June 29, 2020

Published June 29, 2020

While we may have lost Shakespeare many years ago, at least we have many people following in his footsteps by stringing together words that have never been combined with each other before in a sentence. I mean, it's not like we've tracked everything everyone has ever said, but based on the complete weirdness of these statements, there's just no possible way someone's said this before, and we're pretty sure nobody is ever going to say them again. These are truly historic moments in the history of the English language. And yes, they're as weird as they sound.

One can find these poets all over the place, whether they're writing newspaper headlines or eloquent social media posts, but very few of them are so memorable and specific enough to be immortalized forever as a true "brand new sentence." Here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/BrandNewSentence, proving there's always a new idea out there somewhere.

Waking Up Insulted

(Source: Reddit)

Relationship Goals

(Source: Reddit)

When You Threaten Your Family With Coldplay

(Source: Reddit)

A Complex Visualization

(Source: Reddit)

Drinking Chicken Diet

(Source: Reddit)

When The Trench Warfare Is Seasonal

(Source: Reddit)

Quite The Mix-up

(Source: Reddit)

Quit Or Commit

(Source: Reddit)

Narwhal Tusks Would Make An Excellent Band Name

(Source: Reddit)

Might We Interest You In Some Aerodynamic Beating Sticks?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Forward Facing Camera

(Source: Reddit)

We Need Answers

(Source: Reddit)

Nobody Asked For This

(Source: Reddit)

So Many Thumbs

(Source: Reddit)

Need Pixar To Confirm

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/brandnewsentence, reddit, dreams, scientists, dylan sprouse, florida man, kissing, soup, ww1, whisks, animal crossing, protests, burritos, joe rogan, apple stores, ghost villages, dr. jekyll and hyde, astley paradox, collections,