
17 Of The Worst 'Expectation VS. Reality' Blunders From Around The Net

Two expectation vs reality images.
Two expectation vs reality images.

Published October 22, 2019

Published October 22, 2019

Have you ever ordered something online, only to find a completely different item in the mail? Maybe something that could visually resemble what you originally ordered, if you squint a lot and cry a little. Maybe you ordered from one of those websites that don't quite look like a real website, or maybe you ordered something for one cent plus ten dollars shipping. Either way, you probably made a big mistake, because these things people got instead of what they wanted are basically unforgivable. And no, it's not really your fault as the consumer, but it still feels like getting burned if this is what you wound up with.

If you're wondering where the expression, "it's the thought that counts" comes from, look no further than the subreddit /r/ExpectationVsReality. Sometimes, it's an online purchase, but other times, someone attempted a DIY or fun activity that looked like it would have turned out great but clearly didn't. Below are 17 scenarios where things went completely opposite of how they were supposed to go, thanks to lousy marketing or failed human effort.

As it turns out, napping in pumpkins isn't really comfortable

(Source: Reddit)

Bitmojis are actual fake news

(Source: Reddit)

At least it's still better than the final season of Game of Thrones

(Source: Reddit)

Stale pretzels FTW

(Source: Reddit)

What a time to visit London

(Source: Reddit)

Please tell me you got your money back

(Source: Reddit)

Flower shop employing four-year-olds

(Source: Reddit)

Throw it out

(Source: Reddit)

When you get catfished by Airbnb

(Source: Reddit)

Somehow Pennywise got scarier

(Source: Reddit)

Even the figurine knows he's lying

(Source: Reddit)

How about we just be thankful it's not a real spider

(Source: Reddit)

Rose doesn't deserve this type of treatment

(Source: Reddit)

George Constanza's anxiety painted this

(Source: Reddit)

That's what you get for having a peacock-themed wedding

(Source: Reddit)

I love her

(Source: Reddit)

Nice to see they started working on the live-action Barney film already

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: pools, mcdonalds, mcrib, airbnb, bouquets, barney, beauty and the beast, cakes, bitmojis, game of thrones, night king, halloween costumes, collections,