16 Of The Funniest Times Kids Were Really, Really Dumb

Kids are rarely smart. If you were ever a child at some point, and we're guessing you were, then you certainly agree with this statement. We've all done dumb things when we were younger, even if we were excelling above others in school. We all lacked intelligence in one way or another and found a way to ruin our parents' days somehow. When it comes to kids, there's just no way to figure out why they do the things they do. Most of the time, they're doing something idiotic that they'll regret later in life. And unless it's something illegal or particularly disturbing, we let them, because we can take pictures of them doing it and post them online.
We've all been there, and we're glad we've moved past that stage in our lives. But these people messed up so badly that everyone online gets to hear about it too, so they can't just suffer in the privacy of their own family. Here are some of Reddit's favorite dumb children.