Two history anime memes in the following collection.

19 Memes About Both World History And Anime

History memes and anime memes are already popular genres on their own. Combined, they're even better. Since anime isn't particularly focused on history, it's difficult to say why, but these memes combine the two subjects seamlessly. These are some of the most specific new history anime memes out there.

He Really Saved the Day

The entire world probably u/Endriolnfiniti453 A Soviet submarine almost firing a nuclear torpedo thinking a nuclear war between the US and the USSR has already begun Vasili Arkhipov

(Source: Reddit)

Adolf's Origin Story

somewhere in austria early 1900s (colorized) Society cannot accept my paintings

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Copy His Homework

Vietnam's president quoting the US Declaration of Independence in his Proclaimation of Independence on Sept 2, 1945 How the Vietnamese thought the US would react: I like you, kid. Join my team. How US actually reacted: I'm gonna sue you for copyright infringement

(Source: Reddit)

How Singapore Gained Independence

When you wanted to negotiate certain terms with the central government, but ended up being booted out Hey, what is all this? What? You've got to be kidding. No, no, no! This is not right!

(Source: Reddit)

Park Saved South Korea

Everyone in the 60's: South Korea will probably still be a backwater mess in a Few years Park Chung-hee: That's where you're wrong kiddo

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Losing a War Against Emus

POV: your an Australian soldier on the frontlines of the Great Emu war of 1932. cerfone

(Source: Reddit)

She Wasn't Called the Gray Ghost for Nothing

Japan: thinks they've sank the USS Enterprise 3 times before USS Enterprise: Hey, hey! made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Far Away from Here, Guys

Gold obsessed Spaniards Missionaries Aztecs making up where El Dorado is

(Source: Reddit)

Something Seems Suspicious

POV: You're a staff officer of the Spanish Republic reading the names of the new 'advisors' hired for the army ソビ 朝 Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanovsky. れ旗新

(Source: Reddit)

You Know You Messed Up when Mexico Calls You Out

Mexico watching Japan get so bad on the world stage it forces them to operate their military outside it's own boarders for the only time in history: Scuse me, Allies This Country has a bad aftitude! made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Double Trouble

Japan:*bombs Pearl Harbor* United states: Little boy Prepare for trouble Fat man And make it double VIA 9GAG.COM

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Francisco

Palomares, 1966 A Spanish fishermen called Francisco Four American atomic bombs

(Source: Reddit)

Am I a Joke to You?

Britain and Germany signing Anglo-German naval agreement

(Source: Reddit)

Let's Take It

Some useless island in the middle of no where The British TAY

(Source: Reddit)

It's Just That Easy

Mussolini If you don't Im gonna start a civil war! give me control of the country right now, King Victor Emmanual There, I gave you control of the country.

(Source: Reddit)

Obscure Spanish History

The Almoravids: *Attack Valencia* El Cid: Did you really think that killing me would be enough to make me die? imgflo

(Source: Reddit)

No Tanks Allowed

any idiot who suggests usingl itanks" famous horse addict Semyon Budyonny

(Source: Reddit)

Nuclear Testing

some random Arctic island the Tzar a TU-95 Bomba

(Source: Reddit)

Sword Go Brrr

Miyamoto Musaşhi Any other Japanese dualist

(Source: Reddit)

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