
18 Monolith Memes To Abduct You From The Banality Of Everyday Life

Monolith memes
Monolith memes

Published December 03, 2020

Published December 03, 2020

Last week, the mysterious Utah Monolith took the world by storm. Its sudden appearance, abrupt disappearance and surprising re-appearance in Romania has plenty scratching their heads and looking to the stars.

No, the Monolith probably isn't aliens, as those photos of a couple of dudes hauling this thing out of the desert show, but it is a meme. Oh, god, yes, it's a meme, and this meme is moving.

Over the past week, parodies of the Monolith's re-appearance spread online quicker than a roundtrip flight from Utah to Romania (which I assume is very fast). Check out some of the best below because the truth is out there.

If Your Cold, Monolith's Cold. Let It In.

(Source: Twitter)

Down In Front, Monolith

(Source: Twitter)

What If, And Hear Me Out, The Monolith Is A Giant Bong?

(Source: Twitter)

The Only Thing Scarier Than Zombies

(Source: Twitter)

The Monolith Is Harmful If Swallowed

(Source: Twitter)

I Said, Let It In.

(Source: Twitter)

They're Here For The Cats

(Source: Twitter)

What Time Does Monolith Go On?

(Source: Twitter)

It's Changing Shape

(Source: Facebook)

Who's Taller?

(Source: Know Your Meme)

Clogged Again

(Source: Tumblr)

It Was TARS All Along

(Source: iFunny)

Sorry We Missed You

(Source: iFunny)

He Meant "Stupid"

(Source: iFunny)


(Source: Twitter)

Where It Belongs

(Source: Twitter)

Oh, What The F---

(Source: Twitter)

You Know He Had To Do It To 'Em. He Had To!

(Source: Twitter)

Tags: monolith, aliens, 2001 a space odyssey, ufo, collections,

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