Two Harry Potter memes in the following collection.

25 Memes For Fans Of 'Harry Potter'

Harry Potter is one series of books and movies that will probably never cease to be popular. No matter what J. K. Rowling tweets about, Harry Potter will always have a special place in the hearts of a very overly-devoted fandom. Millions of us grew up with the books and movies, and it's reached the point where it's something we can't live without, no matter how many years go by since the last time we read an actual book.

The story of Harry Potter and his journey into the world of magic isn't exactly a relatable one, but all the kids waiting on their Hogwarts acceptance letters certainly wish it was. This series may be considered one of the best examples of a modern fantasy story, but so many of us spent our childhoods reading the books and watching the movies that we've come up with tons of jokes that other fans would certainly appreciate. These are some of the fandom's best new memes about Harry Potter.

Dumbledore Is So Helpful

(Source: Reddit)

How Did I Miss This?

(Source: Reddit)

Hangar 9 3/4

There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations on this flight Cleared Li Please wa me to be called. SMI/ H MAK I C STOIJ ANT IC

(Source: Reddit)

Such a Privilege

Having a better broom than everyone else on the field Harry's skills as a 199 seeker made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

When you receive your Hogwarts paycheck for all the teaching Barty Crouch JR did. disguised as you

(Source: Reddit)

So Did Voldemort, Apparently

There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations on this flight Cleared Li Please wa me to be called. SMI/ H MAK I C STOIJ ANT IC

(Source: Reddit)

Calm Down

Harry Potter book readers watching the movies: It's a total fabrication. Pure fiction. . Nota chance. Wrong. No. No way. Sa It never happened. of Shitposts

(Source: Reddit)

Fear Is a Great Motivator

When you come home after 20 missed calls from your mum: @the.maraudersmemes I returned "Out of fear, not loyalty!

(Source: Reddit)

Well That Was Unexpected

(Source: Reddit)

So Sneaky

Snape talking to Voldemort Snape right after he leaves

(Source: Reddit)

Free Him


(Source: Reddit)

Where's Your WonWon Now?

(Source: Reddit)

Biased Much?

Slytherin happy about winning the cup Dumbledore waiting to give Harry and his friends extra points

(Source: Reddit)


%3D II

(Source: Reddit)

The Real Villain of the Series

The Harry Potter series summarised in a single sentence. CHAPTER FOUR "Ah yes, of course, I haven't told you," said Dumbledore.

(Source: Reddit)

How Is This Possible

"My son looks more like Harry Potter than Harry Potter..."

(Source: Reddit)

A Better Ending

Harry Potter Harry Potter if Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers

(Source: Reddit)

The Girlfriend Found This

โ€ข.. BUTTERBEER [Looking] for a butterbeer mug like this. This may be a matter of life and death. $1,000 ยท In Stock Listed 6 days ago in Austin, TX I broke the one I own, except I don't actually own it, my girlfriend does. So I broke the one she owns. I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation. Have you ever seen an enraged Harry Potter fan? This may be the end of our relationship. Please help. My initials if you see this, I'm sorry, please don't murder me in my sleep.

(Source: Reddit)

Ha, Gottem

chanber af Shuposis Ahhh I miss the days of listening to my CDs, Harry CDs, Professor? What are CDs? CDs nuts LMAO

(Source: Reddit)

Hogwarts Band Playing in Background

I don't care about the Super Bowl because the last time I cared about a big sporting event Voldemort returned and Cedric Diggory died

(Source: Reddit)

Time to Celebrate

cedric diggory: hogwarts band:

(Source: Reddit)

It Never Sticks Around

I've got internet connection! Hey, it's gone! *My Router* Well, you can't expect it to hang around all day, can you?

(Source: Reddit)

Not Again

Tattoo artists after receiving their millionth request for a Deathly Hallows tattoo: I'm tired, boss. Harty Peller And Tir

(Source: Reddit)

Horrible Security

The most protected bank in the world with various enchantments and has never been penetrated before 2822 three high school dropouts

(Source: Reddit)

Not Even Half

If Harry Potter went to an American college after Hogwarts Woah! This could cover half of my tuition!

(Source: Reddit)

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