25 People's Pizza Crimes That Earned The Maximum Sentence
Pizza is a classic meal. It's something that is so simple and wonderful and well loved by everyone. There are very few people out there that don't enjoy pizza at least once in a while. It's totally customizable, and from dough, to crust, to sauce, to toppings, you can really make it into whatever you want. That comes with a certain level of danger though. Sometimes the craft of pizza making ends up in the wrong hands, and the outcome is disastrous.
Someone who has the ability to destroy such a great food is deserving of maximum sentencing for their pizza crimes. Whether it's someone going too far with the eccentricity of toppings, or just straight-up mistreating the poor pie, these people should never be allowed near a pizza ever again. From Reddit's dedicated shaming subreddit /r/PizzaCrimes, here are 25 horrifying pizza creations whose creators are deserving of a prison sentence.