
23 Prequel Memes For 'Star Wars' Fans Of Any Trilogy

Two prequel memes in the following collection.
Two prequel memes in the following collection.

Published August 04, 2021

Published August 04, 2021

The Star Wars prequels are some of our favorites … but not because they're particularly good compared to the original trilogy, it's because hours of awkward dialogue and unfortunate endings for younglings really gave us a lot of jokes to work with. Everything about this trilogy is perfect for memes, and if it had been released in a more digital age, we would have believed the only point of these movies would be to make great meme templates for some very over-enthusiastic fans of awkwardness and dramatic lines to repost hundreds and hundreds of times.

The quotes are so strange, and they go far beyond "I don't like sand." We can't stop quoting lines or finding even more new potential meme formats every time someone rewatches the trilogy. Since prequel memes show no sign of ever going away, here are some of the best of the new memes inspired by the first three Star Wars movies, prequel spin-offs and more.

Seems Fair

(Source: Reddit)

Having Fun Yet?

(Source: Reddit)

There's Always a Bigger Fish

(Source: Reddit)

Big Mistake

(Source: Reddit)

The Obvious Choice

(Source: Reddit)

Mace Windu:

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How Could I?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We Love Legos

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, Sounds About Right

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Hope Luke Likes Sand

(Source: Reddit)

Rogue One

(Source: Reddit)

Four out of Five

(Source: Reddit)

This Is So Deep

(Source: Reddit)

See It?

(Source: Reddit)

Why Watto?

(Source: Reddit)

No, You Say?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: prequel memes, prequels, star wars, star wars prequels, jar jar, obi wan kenobi, general kenobi, darth vader, skywalker, r/prequelmemes, collections,