De-Stress With These 24 Cute Pets Doing Adorable Things

Animals are the loves of so many people's whole lives. Whether someone has a pet or not, an animal has likely positively impacted everyone's life at some point. Pets like dogs and cats are faithful and loving companions to so many people around the world. They make bad days good and good days better. They have silly antics and provide so many cuddles that it is impossible to be sad around your pets. Pets get up to some pretty stupid and mischievous stuff though.
Naturally, they've picked up on some human antics over the years. They can regularly be caught pulling funny faces or sitting in strange places and it makes everyone laugh. Reddit's /r/AnimalsBeingDerps is a subreddit filled with animals doing the most ridiculous things. They are hilarious to see and sure to put a smile on anyone's face. For anyone who needs a little joy in their day here are 24 animals caught on camera being ridiculous.