Two images from r/meirl

Feel More Connected To The World With These 25 Relatable Memes

Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that make you say "Hey, I do that" upon reading them. They describe a sort of situation or specific feeling that is commonly felt amongst many people. Relatable memes are easy to share and enjoy because there are so many people that will be able to relate to them and find them funny. They're amongst some of the most popular kinds of memes because of this. Have you ever felt like you're in a situation no one else has been in? Or have you ever found yourself saying "I wonder if anyone else has thought of this?" Well, relatable memes are here to tell you you're not alone.

Someone else has been where you have been, and your original thought probably isn't that original, unfortunately. It's both a humbling feeling and an interesting one that makes you feel more connected to everyone else. Here are 25 relatable memes from Reddit's /r/meirl, which stands for "Me, in real life." This subreddit is home to all of the most relatable memes out there. See which of these really speaks to you the most.

We'll Never Know

Android: File saved successfully Me: and where exactly it is saved? Android: -Who the f* knows.

(Source: Reddit)

So Good

Nobody: Me eating a mango: So good

(Source: Reddit)


When your husband and cat share a birthday Happy Birthday Molly! (and Tim)

(Source: Reddit)


I turn hotdog water into ice cubes for guests that I don't like MI Buffet

(Source: Reddit)


Katie Hannigan @katiehannigan My friend got a degree in egyptology, but can't get a job, So he's paying more money to get a Phd, so he can work teaching other people egyptology. In his case college is literally a pyramid scheme.

(Source: Reddit)

A Different Time

Jonathan @jnthnwll told a group of teens that when I was their age we had to pay 10 cents per text message and now they think I'm a liar I was there. 3,000 years ago...

(Source: Reddit)


bonnie @AmberQ will i understand oppenheimer if i haven't seen barbie first 01:12 30.05.23

(Source: Reddit)


Mika @Opvlent just watched a man literally flip a coin on a moving train and unblock a contact labeled "ABSOLUTELY NOT" and text them "hey" with a sy amount of Ys

(Source: Reddit)

Like Why

vampire workday @imbobswaget at some point it became socially acceptable for sandwiches to be $20 and that's actually not okay

(Source: Reddit)

Risky Business

I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and not set an alarm. Will it be 20 minutes or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It's risky and I like it.

(Source: Reddit)

Not How This Works

Rafael Walker @raf_walk ... I am *begging* you to stop telling people, "Well, if you write [x] words a day, 5 days a week, you'll have it done in [y] number of weeks!" That is not and has never been how writing works. 7:17 AM - 10/6/22 Twitter Web App .

(Source: Reddit)


1652094637043.jpg 19 KB JPG What's your motivation to lift /fit/? My motivation is my cat, Rupert, here he is. I know he'd want me to be big and strong, it also allows me to protect him from danger.

(Source: Reddit)

That's When It's Bad

jay} @jaredisnumb you ever get so bored at work you start doing your job right 11:25 AM 3/30/22 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)


You had to be there. 858/1 /abc I miss u so much today. Don't reply this is my mom's number. Opt. Clear

(Source: Reddit)

The Burger Needs Improvement

super mario griff @griffski here's my issue. why are fancy burgers so tall. what do you expect me to do with that? unlock my jaw like a serpent? no. i can't accommodate that. a good burger should have a wider circumference, not more height. think about a frisbee. or a vinyl. that's ambition, that's progress

(Source: Reddit)


Me trying to meet the right person approaching or without going out, interacting with anyone

(Source: Reddit)

All I Need

one billion dollars and one trillion dollars faith @faiththegemini-1d You can only add 2 things to this plate of simple rice... Name them

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't Thrive

Sarah Lazarus @sarahclazarus ... did I "kill a plant" or did the plant not have what it takes to thrive in this fast- paced environment

(Source: Reddit)


"work until your bank account looks like a phone number" ..000 AT&T LTE 11:49 PM ...1212 WELLS FARGO Account Summary CHECKING @46% $9.11 Available balance

(Source: Reddit)


James Hoover @JvmesHoover What y'all mad about today? Mel.anin King O @KoolAid Sippin Not one time in any of the Fast and Furious movies did they stop for some gas

(Source: Reddit)


What food are you a bottomless pit for? ↑ Share + 2903 MakruFTW 18h Chips n salsa 8 Awards 6035 bomgoes egemite 13h Would you like 40 tortillas? No? What if we cut them in quarters and deep fried them and served them with salsa? 4 1k ¹ el. 5h Sign me the f up Reply 11k ... ... 319

(Source: Reddit)

I Do

Matt O'Brien @matt_obrien chips are basically like "do you want to eat a potato one page at a time"

(Source: Reddit)

The Dream

Hannah Thomasy, PhD @HannahThomasy are there science camps for adults? like i just want to help someone dig up dinosaurs or count mushrooms or weigh turtles for like a week

(Source: Reddit)

Fair Enough

Since it's impossible to know which period of my life is the middle, I've decided to have an ongoing crisis

(Source: Reddit)

5 Stars

Uber driver: Doesn't speak Me: E

(Source: Reddit)

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