
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Here Is Some Meme Poetry Written Just For You

Two poetry memes
Two poetry memes

Published December 12, 2019

Published December 12, 2019

Thanks to the subreddit /r/boottoobig, we now have users enhancing typical memes with a little bit of poetry. If you're not really sure what a poetic meme looks like, you're about to find that out. They use the power of nonsensical rhyme to make a simple meme so much funnier, and it's a form of literary expertise that few fine scholars out there are able to replicate. Someday, there will be whole English classes taught about this. Okay, maybe not, but it's more relevant than some of the stuff public school made us read for all those years.

While these may not exactly be Shakespeare or Dickinson, we can certainly all agree that the 16 poems below are definitely worth more than the duct tape banana. A new form of language is being created here, and you're about to witness it. Here are some memes turned poems that work in far more ways than one.

Luckily You're At The Zoo Then

(Source: Reddit)

Never Apologize

(Source: Reddit)

Whatever It Takes

(Source: Reddit)

Get This Guy Some Family

(Source: Reddit)

Actually Scarred For Life Now

(Source: Reddit)

My Kind Of Eternal Home

(Source: Reddit)

Wait Till The Bronx Finds Out About This

(Source: Reddit)

Burn It Now

(Source: Reddit)

Thoughts And Prayers

(Source: Reddit)

I Welcome That Day

(Source: Reddit)

Stop Putting On 'Les Mis' In The Uber

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

My Ears Are Bleeding

(Source: Reddit)

I Had No Idea

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What A Beautiful Souvenir

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/boottoobig, reddit, meme poetry, poetry, baby yoda, steve buscemi, brussels, dabbing, baguette, snakes, ghosts, theatre kids, aux cords, restraining order, paychecks, math, foo fighters, donuts, collections,