
Someone Tell These 14 People That Nobody Asked For This Information

A collection of very random and candid posts on social media photos are of a guy saying he loves the dolphins on a Donald Trump post and a 52 year old man sharing all of the things he loves to do
A collection of very random and candid posts on social media photos are of a guy saying he loves the dolphins on a Donald Trump post and a 52 year old man sharing all of the things he loves to do

Published April 07, 2020

Published April 07, 2020

It's one thing to be vulnerable online, especially when there's a lockdown and we're all bored in our homes. It's a whole other thing when you're offering up information publicly online, especially information that nobody actually asked for. It's also an intriguing phenomenon, not because the information is interesting at all, but because someone would actually go so far as to comment something like this when the rest of us are so nervous about commenting anything online that we merely lurk. In fact, most of us non-commenters are seriously confused as to how someone would risk the endless cyberbullying that would surely follow to post something so pointless online.

Sometimes, people truly post the most ridiculous things. Maybe they do it to brag about themselves to random people online. Or maybe they feel like they absolutely have to get a word in on everything, because their opinion is so important that everyone needs to hear it. The following brave souls have given us examples of this confused online commenting activity, and we're happy that the subreddit /r/NobodyAsked was able to document it for all to see. Here are 15 of our favorites.

yOu'Re NoT lIsTeNiNG

(Source: Reddit)

Check Out Moon+ Now Streaming

(Source: Reddit)

Good For You!

(Source: Reddit)

Please Never Block This Number

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Is Legit

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Happy Thanksgiving

(Source: Reddit)

Looked Like A Good Time!

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Letting Us Know You Were Born In August

(Source: Reddit)

That's A Sweet Ride

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry To Hear That, Ruth

(Source: Reddit)

Get After It!

(Source: Reddit)

Prove It

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/nobodyasked, andrew yang, jesus, reddit, youtube, twitter, facebook, first car, running, squats, movies, donald trump, dolphins, cancer, dying, disney world, dogs, birds, collections,