Meme Encyclopedia

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The Top Reddit Meme Creators Of 2022

Two memes by top redditors in the following collection.
Two memes by top redditors in the following collection.

Published December 21, 2022

Published December 21, 2022

2022 is coming to an end, so it's time to look back on some of the more memorable creators this year has given us. When it comes to memes, we truly wouldn't get very far without Redditors. Reddit memes tend to be some of the best out there, and most formats start on Reddit before cycling through the rest of the online community. In particular, /r/memes tends to be a great producer of original content, with over twenty million members.

But without the following meme creators from /r/memes and more, memes nowadays would look a whole lot different. Each of these Redditors has contributed to this year's meme haul in a significant way, so we've gathered some of their top memes here to recognize their influence. Here are ten meme creators that helped make Reddit memes so great in 2022.


Redditor /u/RegularNoodles is particularly notable on /r/memes, with original content that frequently reaches the front page. The majority of this creator’s popular memes use embedded gifs, and they consistently post some of the most highly-upvoted content on the /r/memes subreddit while also moderating three meme subreddits, including /r/dankmemes.


The Redditor /u/elch3w is a moderator of /r/memes and more, and he’s gained over 4.8 million karma points, ranking in the top 200 Redditors by karma count. Several of his posts received over 100,000 upvotes this year, primarily appearing on subreddits like /r/bikinibottomtwitter, /r/memes and /r/me_irl; /u/elch3w also moderates for these communities and is a top contributor in all three, most notably being ranked the #1 contributor at /r/me_irl.


The Redditor /u/Child_of_the_Abyss is a moderator of /r/memes and /r/distressing memes, most notably. This Redditor’s memes on /r/memes and /r/wholesomememes are extremely popular, with a handful earning over 100,000 likes this year. The subreddit /r/distressingmemes has been rising in popularity this year, and this Redditor’s influence as a contributor to the sub likely has a part to play in Reddit’s newfound appreciation of distressing memes.


(Source: Reddit)

Creator /u/nonuntitled is best known for Doge memes, particularly on the /r/dogelore subreddit, and also moderates several subreddits, including /r/shitposting. This Redditor also has garnered over a million karma points and posts very regularly to /r/dogelore, as well as on an Instagram account devoted to doge memes, @untilted.doge.


This Redditor /u/NarcissisticEyes is a Finnish meme creator who contributes most frequently to /r/dankmemes and /r/memes, with many posts this year earning close to 100,000 upvotes. Not only do posts by /u/NarcissisticEyes perform well consistently, but they also have a huge amount of Reddit awards given to them in the past year.


Redditor /u/KLASHINOV has nearly four million karma points and many top posts this year on /r/me_irl, /r/dankmemes and /r/memes, including both traditional memes and gif memes. This user also posts memes to a YouTube channel, Klashinov.


User /u/johnlen1n has been a member of Reddit for five years and has managed to earn over ten million karma points in that time. This year, /u/johnlen1n’s best posts were on /r/memes, /r/PrequelMemes, and /r/wholesomememes, with several posts earning over 100,000 upvotes.


Compared to some other popular users, /u/oranke_dino hasn’t been around that long, with under five years logged on the site, but they’ve managed to become a highly decorated veteran of Reddit in a short amount of time, with several of the top posts on /r/memes this year and a handful of “meme of the week” awards.


(Source: Reddit)

The Redditor /u/ListerineAfterOral has over a million karma points and is a top contributor on /r/distressingmemes, as well as a moderator of the subreddit and /r/memes as well. This year, /u/ListerineAfterOral earned many awards on /r/memes with some particularly notable contributions to the sub.


User /u/PrettyCoolTim has a huge presence on /r/memes and creates memes that cover any topic from relatable scenarios to Elden Ring, primarily in a gif format. Along with being a huge Redditor, /u/PrettyCoolTim also has a significant presence on Instagram, @prettycooltim.

Tags: memes, /r/memes, redditors, me_irl, reddit memes, reddit, 2022, top memes 2022,

Meme Encyclopedia