A collection of posts from people that are telling elaborate stories photos are of a cat taking a selfie and a person describing meeting their soulmate in Walmart

11 People Caught Lying On The Internet For Attention

Have you ever seen a post on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or even YouTube that made you roll your eyes in disbelief? More specifically, have you seen a story online that absolutely wasn't true because absolutely nothing about it is convincing in the slightest? Apparently, a lot of people have stumbled across things like this, and when you've been online long enough, it gets easier to tell fact from fiction because there's absolutely no way the things in the following list happened, and we doubt there was even a single incident for them to exaggerate something like this from. They're just that ridiculous.

Liars online are way too obvious at times. They just haven't perfected the right skills to do it, but they're so proud of what they have to say anyway that they have no shame. It's unclear why anyone would be this bored to fabricate stories of their life for more attention, but it apparently happens so much that an entire subreddit is dedicated to it. Below are 11 of our favorite elaborate storytellers from /r/ThatHappened.

Paris Hilton Is A Comedian

Aday at 6:23 PM ·. This time last year. I was on a yacht bartending at Ultra Music festival in Miami with some pretty cool djs and oh yeah Paris Hilton, who btw is funny asf and super down to earth. If I had to choose a different place to be stuck right now. Place me back in Miami on a yacht lol I would be just fine.

(Source: Reddit)

Such A Burnnnnnnn

I remember my classmate said that harry potter was trash and this certain anime was better and kept bat mouthing fiction and fanfiction saying that it's stupid which made me kiss and I said out loud btw "oh you don't like most fiction because that small brain of yours can't process the amazing masterpieces all them are" everyone started to shout Ooooohh!!! And burnnn and this turned into a whole roasting battle needless to say I won

(Source: Reddit)

We've Got An American Gladiator Over Here

1 week ago One day in PE my teacher said I wasn't participating or giving enough effort so he told me to do 20 push ups I said what then | he gave me 40 push ups and I did all of them and I embarrassed him in front of the whole class 14

(Source: Reddit)

iT wAs WoRtH iT

(Source: Reddit)


Someone asked me if I had planned my wedding (as most teenage girls do) and my response was "no but I planned my funeral" His face was priceless lol he asked why and I told him "marriage isn't guaranteed but death is" needless to say he was slightly afraid of me

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is This Movie?

Replies 6 months ago I was in Walmart I was 14 years old and I rember seeing a girl. And she had a giant scar on her eye and I had a very similar scar on my opposite eye and I wanted to know so badly how she got that scar. But I didnt that day. And i thought i never would but boy was I wrong. 5 years later I'm starting college and I go to class and a girl walks in and you'll never believe it, it was that girl from Walmart. So after class I went up to her and asked how did u get that scar and before she answered she stayed I wanted to ask you the same question all those years ago at Walmart. 20 years later we are married with 3 children. THANK YOU WALLMART It 8.1K ç›® 193

(Source: Reddit)

Sure They Did

à°• 1 like Tes My kids wanted to do a Bob Ross painting. These are their first ever attempts with oil paint. They are 9 and 6. I'm feeling a little intimated. Especially as there's blank canvases for me and @ do our own attempts. al to

(Source: Reddit)

Good Times … In Jail?

• 7 months ago I once blinded my teachers eyes for life for making me write an essay. Good times good times 20 4 replies

(Source: Reddit)


Went out on a date. To a steakhouse like place. The server asked me what salad I would like. Told him to bring me the rib special. And he just stared at me like i was crazy while my date had a steak. He brought it out and asked again if l'd like a salad. He would gladly box up the ribs for me to take home. I took a rib took a big ol bite out of it and looked him in the eye saying no thanks can you bring me some more bbq sauce? Lol 25 8h Like Reply

(Source: Reddit)

Of Course Your Cat Did

•.. March 7 at 9:24 PM 2 My cat apparently got a hold of my phone and is now taking selfies

(Source: Reddit)

Hate When That Happens

Jim My problem is Prius owners trying to lecture me at red lights about what im doing to the environment. I just rev it a bit and keep saying, "what?" and they usually give up. 15h Like Reply Drew sihis has never happene.

(Source: Reddit)

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