
Find Out What It Means To 'Fuck Around And Find Out,' If You Will

A very orange character repeating the slogan.
A very orange character repeating the slogan.

Published October 20, 2022

Published October 20, 2022

The scientific method involves making a hypothesis and doing an experiment to find out if it matches reality. In other words, science is a tradition of knowledge where we fuck around and find out. "Fuck around and find out is arguably one of the truest and most essential sayings you’ll encounter online. But what does it mean?

Where Did "Fuck Around And Find Out" Come From?

While people have always “fucked around” (and occasionally “found out”), the phrase first found major usage online in a political context. Reddit parody posts of the Gadsden Flag, an American Revolution-era symbol closely associated with libertarianism, featured the slogan. Traditionally, the Gadsden flag has a snake on, it but these posts had a crocodile.

The phrase started being used more by progressives around the 2020 election, who warned against nominating a more centrist candidate. The idea was that if Democrats “fucked around” (nominated, for example, Michael Bloomberg) they would “find out” the consequences (the re-election of Donald Trump).

The phrase also became used as a warning, telling those who might wish to “fuck around” (doing violence or interfering with the transfer of power) that they would “find out” (consequences).

How Should You Use "Fuck Around And Find Out?"

The phrase is often used in a political context, but can also be used in other ways. It’s a kind of joking threat: if you do something, you will see a result. What’s found out is usually the consequences of an action.

The "fuck around and find out" method is applicable to many situations in life.

Why Do People "Fuck Around And Find Out?"

People are always prone to “fucking around.” It’s a part of human nature. To “fuck around and find out” is part of the indomitable human spirit.

As the viral TikTok below demonstrates, if human beings never “fucked around,” they would never “find out” anything at all, making the necessity of fucking around clear to both the scientific process and to life in general.

For the full history of "fucking around and finding out check out our entry on the topic.

Tags: find out, democrats, gadsden flag, crocodile,