Editorial - Meme Insider - Page 27 | Know Your Meme
  1. The TikTok Emblem, in magenta, with a slashed circle in front of it, indicating that it is no longer allowed. meme insider

    Here Are Some Meme Platform Alternatives To Turn To If TikTok Gets Banned

    If TikTok gets banned in the U.S., approximately 100 million people will suddenly find themselves without an outlet to post their content on. We explore what some of the other options are in the event that this happens.

  2. Painting of knights fighting each other with the logos of major gaming consoles and brands emblazoned upon their shields, representing the console wars meme insider

    The Console Wars Are Heating Up, And Gamers Are Breaking Out Their Best Memes

    The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X are on their way. With the upcoming release of a brand-new generation of gaming consoles just around the corner, we’re already starting to see the discussion turn extra spicy.

  3. The Baka Mitai meme featuring various meme figures singing. Trump as Mr. Bean, 6ix9ine as Filthy Frank, and Kanye West as Bed Intruder stand in the foreground. meme insider

    Deepfakes Are Changing The Way We Meme

    Thanks to its widening availability and ease-of-use, deepfake technology has reached the memeverse in full force lately, spawning original formats like Baka Mitai. But what does this mean for the future of memes?

  4. Rage Comic faces are Millennial and Wojak faces are Zoomers meme insider

    Boys vs. Girls Across Generations: How Zoomers Took Up The Torch And Changed The Subject Of Memes

    Previous years have consistently seen a style of memes rooted in the male experience, but as new generations inevitably become the dominant force behind their subject matter, underlying concepts evolve to reflect their worldview.

  1. Cyberpunk 2077 promo artwork featuring the logo and two protagonists surrounded by the various memes the game has spawned meme insider

    The Cyberpunk Effect: How CDPR's Long-Awaited Game Has Made Its Mark On Meme Culture

    Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most anticipated AAA titles set to release this year, however, in the seven years between its announcement and release, it has created quite the online presence — especially in meme culture.

  2. Still image from the Video Game Death Stranding. A naked man with the face of Craig the Halo Infinite Brute is seen from the chest up, clutching a Luigi instead of a fetus. meme insider

    Weekend Wink: Craig And Luigi

    The Weekend Wink is a look at the memes that made it big during the weekend, quick as a wink. This weekend, Craig and Luigi were the big winners, so let's see what they are and why they became sensations.

  3. Out of Nowhere Spetsnaz meme. A man with a Pepe head ambushes a man representing StoryFire with a knife. meme insider

    StoryFire: A New Way to Meme

    For a new social media platform to succeed in an already crowded landscape, it has to offer a way for users to share and embrace memes. StoryFire goes a step beyond this by offering memers a brand-new way to share story-based memes.

  4. Halo Combat Evolved cover art edited with social media networks and memes over the top of characters

The Halo franchise's memes live online and as such Master Chief in Halo:CE is the internet's social media sites. meme insider

    After A Five-Year Absence, Will 'Halo Infinite' Be Able To Carry On The Franchise's Relevancy And Rich Meme Culture?

    The return of gaming's most legendary Master Chief acts as a beacon of hope for both the franchise and its legacy of memes. But, whether or not Halo Infinite will live up to those expectations remains to be seen.

  1. Zoomer Wojak edited on top of Pepe Punching meme
21st Century Humor meme insider

    The Humor Of The 21st Century: Representing The Present

    In the past several months, YouTubers have created a series of videos and compilations attempting to summarize the humor of the 21st century. We explore the veracity of these to determine whether or not they truly represent our day and age.

  2. Alfred / old man crying while watching his laptop burn. Jim Halpert watches behind blinds, pleased.
DOOM meme insider

    Tech Trolls: Fake Videos And Online Pranks Continue To Fool The Tech-Naive

    From running “Doom” on a toaster to deleting System32 or even microwaving your smartphone, tech trolls can get gullible web-goers to believe just about anything.

  3. Dr Disrespect shrouded in shadow with a question mark above his head standing in an alleyway
Dr Disrespect Twitch streamer ban mystery and conspiracy theories meme insider

    Dr DisRespect And The Mysterious Ban: Breaking Down The Conspiracy Theories

    Shortly after his ban, Dr Disrespect had many conspiracy theories being spread across the web about him. Whether or not any of these are actually true, Doc's still doing things in his usual, mysterious way.

  4. Sad Will Smith on Jada Pinkett Smith's Red Table Talk Surrounded by a crying cat, sad Doge, crying Pepe, and Sad Keanu Reeves. meme insider

    Entanglement: The Value Of Sad Reaction Images

    Entanglement, or Sad Will Smith, has joined the ranks of other top-tier sad reaction images on the web. But should we really be basking in the sorrow of others? Can we even help it?