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The New ‘Rick And Morty’ Season 6 Trailer Sparks Fan Theories, Memes And More
Rick and Morty season 6 will be airing on Adult Swim on September 4th. And five days ago, a trailer was released for it. Now, when Rick and Morty trailers were released in the past, the fandom absolutely lost their minds trying to decipher them. This season’s trailer is no exception. After the many wild ups and downs of last season, ending with what’s probably the best season finale the show has had so far, fans are really hoping this one goes great. And so far, the trailer looks interesting enough and has given us a lot to talk about. Here’s a breakdown of the memorable moments and takeaways from the trailer, and consider this your warning that there will be some spoilers ahead for the end of season five.
The trailer starts off with Rick showing off his sci-fi gadgets, as usual, followed by some jokes about Die Hard, the Smith’s neighbor Gene, Rick’s old catchprase “Wubba lubba dub dub,” and more. Though it’s not shown in the trailer, we can expect some more appearances of Evil Morty, or at the very least, we can expect to see Rick grapple with the reality of the broken central finite curve and not being able to use his portal gun, all thanks to Evil Morty. It’s also worth noting that there’s something called Wormageddon coming up, but we know nothing about it at all, even from the Adult Swim teasers, and we don’t know where to start in analyzing that, so we’ll just throw that out there and skip over it for now.
Apparently, in at least one episode we’re going to be seeing Space Beth again, which is good news for the many fans who felt like her plot line wasn’t fully resolved. The show still hasn’t confirmed which Beth is the Real Beth and which Beth is the clone, and though it’s supposed to not matter according to the finale of season 4, in my opinion, the clone is pretty obviously the at-home Beth. But again, it doesn’t really matter that much as long as we get to see both of them in the same episode again.

In another clip from the trailer, we see Rick using Jerry as a human shield while Jerry protests, though he’s not surprised in the slightest. But the fact that Jerry was wearing glasses and dressed nicely seems to suggest he’s done the unthinkable and actually gotten a job for the first time since the “Hungry for Apples?” fiasco. So, in away, Jerry seems to be having a happy ending of some sort. It’s also nice to see that Summer, Beth and Jerry all have such large roles in this season trailer too, showing that the family is having family adventures more than Rick and Morty are having solo adventures again, which is one good thing we saw in the last season.
One thing that seemed to blow fans’ minds was the scene of Jerry wearing Morty’s typical outfit, and very poorly at that. In the first scene of the trailer, if you look closely, Jerry is in Morty’s clothes again. Apparently, lots of fans have theorized for years that when Morty grows up, he’ll become just another Jerry. For them, this scene seemed to confirm it. And it is a pretty strange scene, since we can’t really even take a guess as to what’s going on here if it’s not something like Morty becoming Jerry and creating Rick’s worst nightmare. Many people seem to think this is a dumb idea, though, which is also fair. We’ll just have to see what the show has in store for this episode, but it’s definitely a question worth wondering about, just like the question of whether or not the Morty we’ve been watching all this time eventually turns against his grandfather and becomes Evil Morty.

In the end, it seems like we’ve got a lot to expect from this season. Justin Roiland himself said that he wasn’t thrilled with season five, and intended to make this next season “f*cking amazing” to make up for it. And since we can expect to start in a very different place than past seasons after what happened to the Citidel of Ricks and the central finite curve, there’s definitely going to be a lot more to this series than just the few clips of Rick, Morty and their family interacting and arguing while also fighting off sci-fi threats with Rick’s new technology. And we’ve got a bit under a month to find out what’s next, so hopefully the season lives up to our new expectations.
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