meme review

People Are Getting Frozen Midstride In This New TikTok Trend Inspired By Viral Videos

An image from the "Man Frozen While Walking on Street" viral video and another of a woman stuck in time on a sidewalk.
An image from the "Man Frozen While Walking on Street" viral video and another of a woman stuck in time on a sidewalk.

Published October 03, 2023

Published October 03, 2023

The "Man Frozen While Walking on Street" or "Stuck In Place With Sirens Trend" originated from a viral video on TikTok back in 2021 featuring a man in a yellow polo shirt appearing to be frozen while walking down a street with sirens playing in the background.

Over the following years, the video became a bit of a meme, with many creators adding humorous captions as the trend continued into 2023, expanding to include other videos of people mimicking the frozen pose similar to street performers. This TikTok trend recently gained new life as people filmed themselves freezing in time like the original video, often adding captions related to awkward or embarrassing situations.

In our latest video, host Aztrosist explains the peculiar trend that has emerged on TikTok in which people freeze themselves in place, spawning many copycats and adding characters to the ever-expanding lore.

Tags: meme reviews, man frozen while walking, frozen with sirens, stuck in place trend, tiktok trends, explained, video, viral videos, tiktok, internet challenge, stuck in time, social media, entertainment, memes,