meme review

Twitter Gobsmacked By "Sex Work As 'Mutual Aid' Under Communism" Hot Take

reactions to sex as mutual aid discourse
reactions to sex as mutual aid discourse

Published October 13, 2020

Published October 13, 2020

Nothing lights a fire under the kettle of Twitter discourse like sexual politics and last weekend was full of them. Alongside a tale of 19-year-old girl seeming to quite clearly have married an 89-year-old rich dude for money, Twitter was left gobsmacked by a hypothesis from lefty Twitter user @merrickdeville which suggested that under communism, "sex work" could be redefined as "sexual mutual aid." In a follow-up tweet, she clarified, "Altruistically providing sexual services to people you aren't attracted to bc you think a community with access to intimacy and release is ideal and healthier than what we have now is more of a selfless service than 'just sex.'"

Essentially, this argument boils down to, as user @Halalcoholism put it, pity sex as good praxis.

This led to a miniature meltdown on the site, as people cringed and joked their way through this astonishingly blazing hot take. First, there was a wave of criticism at the very idea itself:

There was also a ton of cringing.

And naturally, there were jokes.

This is hardly the first time Twitter has gone bananas over a ludicrous sex innovation, and it certainly won't be the last. Perhaps the influx of hot sex takes on Twitter is due to the fall of Tumblr, where these ideas could flow more freely and generate an altogether different sort of controversy, but as Twitter turns into a massive melting pot of all the internet's most, er, forward thinkers, we all get to enjoy the "premier" discourse about every topic under the sun.

Tags: twitter, sex, sex work, praxis, communism,

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