The MemeChart Project

Hi KYM peoples, welcome to KYM Workshop #1: The MemeChart!
As some of you might already know, our friend & researcher Jack Candle has undertaken a very good, very powerful initiative to compile a catalog of internet memes and visualize them in relation to various memetic hubs and memeplexes we've identified so far[[1]]. Since it will be a large-scale project covering vast grounds of our site and quite useful for many of us once completed, let's help it move along quicker by chipping in some research contributions!
As you can see, it's work in progress and there's plenty of room for expansion. You can contribute to this project in a number of different ways:
1) list parent or hubsite entries already in existence
2) submit parent / hubsite entries based on past submissions
3) suggest additional categories that we haven't identified yet
To get further involved with this project, check out the KYM Forum – The Memechart thread or send a message to Jack Candle!
[1] What is a Parent Entry?
On Know Your Meme database, the parent entry status is reserved for entries regarding popular hubsites (ex: Facebook, YTMND) meme complexes (ex: LOLcats, Exploitables) and behavioral patterns (ex: Trolling, Spamming). There, I just named a whole bunch to start with. It's your turn now!

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