Twitter Mourns Loss Of 'Garfield Eats,' A Restaurant Too Horrible For This World

It's no secret that the COVID-19 has been disastrous for restaurants across the world, but the world suffered a particularly stinging loss when Garfield-themed, Toronto-based restaurant Garfield Eats announced it was shutting its doors.
Toronto 'Garfield'-themed pizza restaurant GarfieldEATS has closed –
— INDIE88 (@Indie88Toronto) November 12, 2020
The institution, which most notably served Garfield-shaped pizza and featured the tagline "Love me, feed me, don't leave me," made the announcement Monday (because of course they did) that it would be shutting its doors and moving to aggressively sell frozen lasagna online.
"GarfieldEATS closed its storefront last Monday (we hate Mondays anyways), but aggressively continues with its e-commerce operations selling merchandise and Frozen Big Cow Lasagnas only which you can throw in the oven anytime; removing all other menu items and specializing in lasagna, one popular product everyone loves, so as Garfield since 1978," they wrote.
GarfieldEATS didn't seem to be much-beloved in its year of existence, as its Yelp page features complaints of poor, overpriced food, bad service and tarnishing the Garfield brand.
The news hit Twitter particularly "hard," as users mourned the loss of an establishment many probably didn't know existed beforehand.
— Olive Rae Brinker (@olivebrinker) November 13, 2020
How much more can you take, Western Man?
— Garbage Ape (@GarbageApe) November 13, 2020
just imagining regularly going to the Garfield restaurant on my own for dinner, perhaps with Jonathan Franzen book, and quietly eating a "Mega Lasagna" and drinking four "I Hate Mondays" cocktails.
— Gone Fishin' (1997) (@punished_stu) November 13, 2020
RIP GarfieldEATS, with your unmatchably bizarre instagram marketing (pictured)
— Back to Novembird (@realmaxkeeble) November 13, 2020
what is the point anymore. all is lost
— yitaku (@yitakulxiv) November 13, 2020
RIP GarfieldEATS, we hardly knew ye. In the meantime, please enjoy this My Brother, My Brother and Me clip of the brothers McElroy absolutely roasting the restaurant's opening announcement.
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