Why Do Morgues Prefer To Hire Women Over Men? The Truth Behind The Viral Memes Explained

Claims that morgues prefer to hire women for a disturbing reason are going viral on Reddit. These claims first went viral on X and TikTok back in 2023 and now they're back in full force. But what is the reason that morgues allegedly prefer to hire women, and is it true? Here's what we know.

Do Morgues Prefer To Hire Women and Why?
The claim that morgues prefer to hire women first started going viral online back in March 2023, after an X user made the claim and alluded to a disturbing but obvious reason behind the claim. In their post, which now has over 120,000 likes, they wrote, "There’s also some morgues that strictly only hire women and I think y’all can put two and two together as to why." Since then, the claim has spread across social media through videos, posts and memes. But what is it referring to?
The suggested reason that morgues prefer to hire women is that men are more likely to defile corpses. This is somewhat backed up by a study done in 1989, where it was found that of over 100 studied cases, men were behind the crime 92% of the time. There is also evidence to suggest that women are joining the funeral industry more than ever before. However, there is no solid source claiming that the fear of defiling is the reason why women are joining the funeral industry more than they used to, with the industry still purportedly being dominated by men despite this increase.

How Is The Claim That Morgues Prefer To Hire Women Used Online?
Since going viral in March 2023, the claim that morgues prefer to hire women has continued to spread across social media, going viral numerous times. There are a variety of videos on TikTok making the claim, some with millions of views. These videos tend to leave out the context of the claim and let viewers guess as to the alleged reason, with many viewers' minds immediately going to the darkest possible place.

For the full history of why morgues prefer to hire women, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.
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