Weegee is a photoshop meme based on the avatar of Luigi. Placing Weegee in an image creates awkward situations and a sense of discomfort.
Three Wolf Moon
Three Wolf Moon is the name of a “power animal” t-shirt that was ironically made into one of the top selling apparel items on Amazon in 2009, thanks to thousands of internet users who hyped it up with hilarious, tongue-in-cheek customer reviews. Befitting its widespread reputation, the shirt is so virile and mesmerizing that you probably shouldn't look at it in a direct angle.
Keyboard Cat
Keyboard Cat is the "shot caller" of most epic FAILs on the Internet. If you find yourself fencing on the edge of ugly misfortune, you can rest assured Keyboard Cat will come to rescue and "play you off" before things hit rock bottom!
Creepy Chan
Allison Harvard, also known as Creepy Chan, is an Amercan artist/model who garnered= attention for her ghastly portraits on the imageboard site 4chan.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (PBJT) is a viral flash video consisting of an animated Dancing Banana emoticon and the song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" by The Buckwheat Boyz. Known for being both annoying and funny, the Dancing Banana video became a hit, leading to PBJT-related merchandise, and many subsequent tribute videos.
Single Serving Sites
Single-serving sites are web sites comprised of a single page with a dedicated domain name and do only one thing. While such sites have existed since the dawn of the internet, the meme was detailed & named by popular linkblogger Jason Kottke in 2008 In fact, one of the earliest intenet memes was a single serving site: the Hampster Dance
Christian Bale Rant
Christian Bale Rant is an audio segment released by celebrity blog TMZ, featuring the voice of American actor Christian Bale going ballistic on the director of photography Shane Hurlbut on the set of "Terminator Salvation" in July 2008.
Yo Dawg
Yo Dawg is an image macro series based on the MTV show Pimp My Ride, well known for putting awesome things like fishtanks, clothes dryers, and even fireplaces in the back of your car. Pimp.
Numa Numa
Numa Numa is a viral video series based on a lipdub dance performance by Gary Brolsma, featuring the 2004 Moldovan pop song "Dragostea din tei" by O-Zone.
Boxxy is an internet personality who posted a series of hyperactive and seemingly innocuous monologues in January 2009.
Star Wars Kid
Star Wars Kid is a viral video created by Ghyslain Razaa, a Canadian teenager who filmed himself fighting against imaginary sentries with a golf-ball retriever, as though it were a double-sided light saber such as the one Darth Maul uses in Star Wars: Episode I. Over the last decade, it is estimated that the original, unmodified Star Wars Kid video has accumulated over a billion views.
Project Chanology
Project Chanology is a series of protest movements launched against the practices of the Church of Scientology by members of Anonymous. The project was started in response to the Church of Scientology's attempts to remove video clips from a highly publicized interview with Scientologist Tom Cruise from the Internet in January 2008.