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KYM Pokemon hack update/re-entry

Last posted Feb 15, 2016 at 11:41PM EST. Added Feb 15, 2016 at 11:41PM EST
1 post from 1 user

Alright, so assume of you know, I was making a Pokemon Ruby ROM hack replacing all the Pokemon with KnowYourMeme user's icons. However, now that I'm starting to implement all the hoarded up ideas I've had for so long, it seems in order to make this work and actually be a playable game, I'm going to have to make a major change.
All the users that have applied will be made into the trainers, while all the Pokemon will be memes, including the previously imputed memes like Sanic, DHMIS, and of course, the KYM in-jokes.

For the sake of convenience and desire to still be in the hack with your say, I'm reopening the application for entering the hack.
It's quite simple: enter the desired trainer class you'd like to be, tell me your ideal team (if you don't know what meme to put, tell me in actual Pokemon and I'll adapt them later) and I will do the rest.
Also, if you have an idea for a meme to be in the game as a Meme-mon, please let me know. There are 386 available slots for mememon, and I think around 200-something slots open for trainers.

Do keep in mind, though, the game will need a few early-game trainers here and there, so if you wish to be one of the few that greet the player while starting the game, do let me know.
Also there will be a select few that will be in gyms, and will have exceptionally strong Pokemon. There are only a few trainer slots for gyms, though, so if you want to be a gym-trainer, act fast. Here are the standpoints:

Gym#/Type/#of trainers
1. Steel- 2
2. Fire- 3
3. Fairy- 4
4. Dark- 5
5. Water- 7
6. Grass- 4
7. Flying- 5
8. Dragon- 8
(These are not final)

As for the format of entering, here:

Name: (Trainer name)
Class: (Trainer class)
Level: (from 1-10, how powerful you want to be; 1 being early game youngster, 10 being victory road ace trainer)
Mememon: (List the meme-mon desired, though, try not to add too many, say at most 4 or 5. It won't be much fun if every trainer battle you encounter last 10 minutes each.)
Other: (Any additional information, such as details about mememon-requests.)
Also this isn't mandatory, but if you suggest a meme-mon, you can include information about it's stats like for example it's type and ability. Again, this is completely optional, but it helps.

Alright, I think that about covers the sum of the big changes made. Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to putting you in the hack.

- Each town will be based off a popular website, like 4chan, Deviantart, and Tumblr.
- 9Gag is still the evil team, but as far as TVtropes go, I may have to get rid of the helpful evil team to make room for a bunch of other things I have planned, like post-game bosses.
- Alongside original compositions, some other popular music will be part of the soundtrack, floor example a remixed Guille's Theme.
- I know I said previously that I didn't want to include the site's anthros, but since the towns will he based off sites, I'm throwing around the idea of having the sites anthro being the gym leader of the town.
- Pokemon Contests as of right now will be staying in the game, unless it is desired otherwise.

Feedback is always appreciated


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