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Unpopular opinion thread

Last posted Sep 12, 2011 at 06:24PM EDT. Added Sep 11, 2011 at 05:05PM EDT
39 posts from 23 users

-Kraftwerk were more influential then the Beatles
-cod isn’t that bad
-Cinnamon Graham's is the single greatest cereal of all time
-Friday is a really good song
-jokes about hipsters and Justin Beiber are getting old

butterin yobread wrote:

-Kraftwerk were more influential then the Beatles
-cod isn’t that bad
-Cinnamon Graham's is the single greatest cereal of all time
-Friday is a really good song
-jokes about hipsters and Justin Beiber are getting old

Only 3/5 of theses things apply to me.

Also JFF topic.

Last edited Sep 11, 2011 at 05:24PM EDT

- Kefka is a much better villain than Sephiroth
- FPS are getting old, it's the same thing over and over again
- Gaming today needs more platformers

butterin yobread wrote:

-Kraftwerk were more influential then the Beatles
-cod isn’t that bad
-Cinnamon Graham's is the single greatest cereal of all time
-Friday is a really good song
-jokes about hipsters and Justin Beiber are getting old

-I don't like cod, I prefer salmon.

Subway Boss Emmet wrote:

If this were the popular opinion thread, you'd say I was a horrible troll. And that would be very correct.

Yeah, you're like the most honest user on here.

-Troll king is a terrible troll

-Bob Marly isnt very good, except for I shot the sheriff that one is okay

-Most if not all death metal is complete horse shit

-Screamo too

-Jack Black is a good singer

-puns are funny

-if god was a woman, she'd flood the earth every time she gets a period

-rebecca black sounds like a robot

-flying objects are inspiring

-fuck caps lock, the exclamation mark was made for a reason

-sweetie belle and moargun are some of the best users on here

-humanity is totally fucked

Kalmo wrote:

-I'm the most awesome person ever.
-Troll King is the most loved member.
-Angrypwnzer is the most popular member.

-HOH is pretty well-loved as well.
-You and DPF are quite popular as well.
-I don't know who AngryPwnzer is.

- Hoenn is the best Pokemon region.
- Batman forever was a good movie.
- Ctrl + Alt + Delete is a good webcomic.
- Terraria is a better game then Minecraft (Until 1.8 + 1.9 finally releases)
- Call of Duty's single player is better then it's multi player.

Cyber6x wrote:

- Hoenn is the best Pokemon region.
- Batman forever was a good movie.
- Ctrl + Alt + Delete is a good webcomic.
- Terraria is a better game then Minecraft (Until 1.8 + 1.9 finally releases)
- Call of Duty's single player is better then it's multi player.

definitely the bottom one

-I am the greatest admin this site has ever had!
-I love hitting the "Post!" button and seeing Disaster Girl.
Almost forgot! Inspired by my new avatar:
-Bladerunner is superior to Star Wars as a sci-fi film. Especially the director's cut.
And so long as I'm going there…
-While Star Wars: A New Hope and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back are excellent films, any of the prequels is better than Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

Last edited Sep 12, 2011 at 05:29PM EDT

-Country music is better than most genres.
-Pokemon is getting better each generation.
-Digimon would be way better than Pokemon if they had the same funding.
-Cheerios isn't bland.
-Tofu doesn't really suck.
-TF2 isn't a fantastic game.
-Cod makes a complete mockery of history and the sacrifices people make every day.
-A dollar a day doesn't feed a hungry African child.
-The cures for each type of cancer have been found, they are just illegal because they would kill the medical business.


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