vintiezre said:
I’m a bit scared to venture from KYM to discuss pony, seeing that other sites are a bit less friendly.
Also, how influential is KYM on internet culture?
If you'd like another forum, the TV Tropes Pony Forum is just as light and kind as KYM (probably even more so as they never talk about raping users or non-sexually jacking off to them). Be warned, though, the place moves a mile a minute (if they go more than three hours without a post, cries of "the Thread died" or "I killed the Thread" resound) and their debates over Fallout: Equestria and power levels (which is stronger, an Earth Pony or a Pegasus?) can leave nothing but a desolate wasteland in its wake. They're also eternally paranoid that they're one infraction away from the mods launching a banhammer from orbit and nuking the thread.
As for KYM's influence. I think that's tricky. To the best of my knowledge, no "internet wide" memes have originated from KYM. In that regard, 4chan, Something Awful,, and Reddit are all vastly more influence in shaping internet "culture." However, KYM acts as a gateway into the internet. Many people, curious as to what "jimmies" or "nope.avi" are referring to, google them and stumble upon here, where they quickly are able to decipher the complex language and vocabulary that the internet uses (it's why I'll never understand those that go "I hate memes. They're nothing but an inside joke only a few will get" Yeah, sure they are. And all you have to do to get in on the joke is spend two minutes googling it).
Without KYM and its similar sites (Urban Dictionary, Encyclopedia Dramatica before it became shit [if it was ever not shit], Oh Internet, etc), it's very likely many memes would never have proliferated as few would understand their meaning and wouldn't be able to spread them.
CrashGordon94 said:
Is some random weird Chinese toy being a bootleg so implausible that you’re gonna go [citation needed] on my ass? What everyone here was saying was logical and made a lot of sense so I don’t have any particularly huge reason to doubt it.
Why is it that every confirmed rumor starts this way? Cadance and Shining Armor were "just some Hasbro OC's that they're using for a party." Sombra was "a Hubworld pony that'll have no bearing on the show." Twilicorn was "a bad vector/error by the artist." Sunset Shimmer was simply "one of those silly toy blurbs." Denial's the first step, next comes the anger.
Honestly, though, I really would like it if the non-panicky, shitstorm-immune people were correct. The idea of everypony becoming an alicorn just isn't very palpable to me.
@The actual picture
Loliamnyancat said:
Hi everypony, i am new and i want to say hi. Hi! Whats is going on here?
Turn back now before you get lured in by the siren's song! Oh no, I already hear it!
The following topics have been resolved, and anyone who says otherwise is a rabble-rouser:
>Best Pony (Twilight Sparkle)
>Best Background Pony (Applejack)
>Best Princess (Luna)
>Best Pie (Chocolate Cream)
>Best American Car Company (Ford)
>Best CMC (Sweetie Belle)
>Best Rock Type (Basalt)
>Best Noun (Whoremonger)
>Best Video Game (Sim City 4)
>Best Color (Blue)
>Best Number (1,673,967,905)
That should be a good enough intro.