Algernon said:
>Not balefire
>implying megaspells aren't essentially nukes
As for the synopsis, it makes me more glad than ever I decided against reading the story. After reading countless [Grimdark]s, I've grown weary and tired of stories who's entire plots are founded on some of the firmest grasping of the Idiot Ball possible. If you have to have everypony act like idiots in order for your grim future to make sense, maybe you should rethink your grim future.
It's also funny you mention the gun thing, as that seems to be the #1 complaint I've always seen concerning Fallout: Equestria. "There's no way they could aim with saddle mounted guns!" "What about the recoil?" etc.
@Karma Shitstorm
It's been a while since we had a shitstorm (unless you count the whole "lock the Image Gallery" to be one). It feels good knowing I didn't completely avoid it to participate in Fimfiction's. I will continue to abide by my "don't give a shit" policy until jimmy rustling occurs and I bitch about it on Fimfiction.
Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking said:
Yay, it’s over, now let’s go back to the Pone.
>implying it's over
>implying I'm not stirring it up again
Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking said (again):
Just call me back when everyone tortures BSoD with Photoshop again.
Don't worry, once page 170 rolls around and I we can start on the Thread Title Election, there will be plenty of torturing, straw polls, and me spamming political ads like I did last time
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin said:
Anyone wanna take guess on what the next Rarity episode might be about, because it seems everyone’s been wanting one before it was confirmed.
and @Deadparrot222
>trusting McCarthy's lies
I shiggy, you diggy, we all doo.
Iamslow said:
Spike gets a girlfriend and stops doing chores for Rarity. Rarity gets super jealous, breaks down from having to make a huge dress for Steven Magnet without any help, and plans to have spike’s girlfriend stuffed.
I read (the last third of) a fanfic with this as it's plot. But instead of hilarity ensuing, it had Rarity go insane, kidnap Flitter (Spike's girlfriend), then have the Diamond Dogs rape her. It ended with Celestia enforcing another wonderful fanfic justice system and encasing Rarity in diamonds (while concious) so she could spend the next fifty years seeing how everypony lived without her. Then, Celestia mindraped everyone (including fellow Princess Twilight) into forgetting Rarity.
Then it was revealed to all be a dream/vision Discord gave Celestia. Jimmies would have been crippled had I actually cared about the story.
Speaking of shitstorms…
Guess what's baaaack. Silly forum, thinking Tumblr shitstorms ever end. They just end up like the chicken pox, festering under the surface for years or decades until something causes them to rupture out and create lasting nerve damage in 20% of those infected.