Back in 2011 I had stumbled across a painting that had included every meme popular at that time, including but not limited to: Lolwut, nyan cat, trollface/rage comics, pedobear, epicface etc. and it was drawn in a very skilled and professional matter with a distinct style that made it appear like an oil painting. All the memes were packed into one blob of memes all over lapping eachother but given enough space between them to be recognizable. The background of the painting was a blue sky and on the foreground was a grassy field, very simple backdrop to let the memes shine. I most likely found this meme on facebook and I know it exsists because when I saw the image back in middle school I traced it and put it as the cover of my binder, sadly I've since lost the drawing. Please help me find the painting, I've been searching for years now and it only occured to me to post for help here. Thanks.
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