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A pony question that is not gay/spam/retarded like my other posts

Last posted Jun 28, 2011 at 01:18PM EDT. Added Jun 28, 2011 at 07:07AM EDT
44 posts from 10 users

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So, if you get to be a colt/mare in Ponyville for 6 months, what kind of poni would you be?
A pegasus
A unicorn or
Earth poni.
And what would you do in theese 6 months?
Also, if you are going to be a poni, describe what would you look like (hair color, skin color, tone of voice etc.) and post it here, for the lulz

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I would be le colt
-Dark Brown Hair
-Golden Skin
-Dark Green-Brown eye colour
-My cutie mark would be le PlayStationUno

And what would I do?
Well, I will be farting and stuff In pony ville, makin friends (especially Derpy)
Meet Trollestia, eat apples and such.
Also, I would be a unicorn
Because I am an lazy ass IRL

It would probably be best to be an earth pony, if I had wings or magic who knows what I would do with them after a clover bong.

Have you ever felt like you had to post a stupid thing two times in a row and then self-upvote yourself? No? Good, that means you haven't undergone an amateur lobotomy.

Last edited Jun 28, 2011 at 11:47AM EDT

Why is Hat back? I thought he was banned?
Do people really get unbanned that easily?
Well, whatever. As long as he's not posting spam, I see no reason people should neg-karma him.

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Nintendork64 wrote:

Why is Hat back? I thought he was banned?
Do people really get unbanned that easily?
Well, whatever. As long as he's not posting spam, I see no reason people should neg-karma him.

I love you man (no homo)
Here is a cupcaek for you :3

Pinkie Pie maed it

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Oh wait I see….You guys love the old me where I spammed and trolololol'd
And that's why you hate me :D
Well I can fix that

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Once upon a time,
There was a boy named RussianFedora
And one day he asked his teacher ,,Why did all the dinosaurs dissapear?''
And the teacher replied ,,because you are fat and you lick your self at noon''
And Russian cried of the naked truth
The end

Once a upon a time, there was a spammer named h6oib.

He spammed the Forums, and got banned.

And then he came back as bagel, and got banned again.

Then he came back as Hat, and soon he will be banned again for eternity.

If you can't understand that in your troll language, here's the translation:


You should have stopped the once upon a time thing. It's no longer funny. And I don't care if I lost the game, because it was from just some lame ass troll who has nothing better to do.

Once upon a time, Hat had broken the law because of all his useless spam, and had his internet revoked forever.

The world was so happy at this, that everyone on KYM, out of pure glee, decided to meet each other IRL and have a party with cake and icecream and desu.

Everyone was invited, even Troll_Hater 3.0. But not Hat, for he, was annoying. Even more so than any other troll, Mimsy, Troll_Hater 3.0, oh yes, they were all invited, except for Hat.

And everyone except Hat lived happily ever after.

Ok. Stop with the stories. It's just dumb now. And there is no such thing as the super game. So you fail even more hat. That's right. I used a lower case h. Because I don't want to waste my time on you by pressing shift or caps lock to use a capital for your name.


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